Zephyr Gnolls

The Zephyr Gnolls were a people that came from the western sea and would for over three decades raid and raze villages over the entire continent.   Not much is known about the people other than they would strike any towns and villages located along the coastline and up the rivers, but what made them different compared to other raiding people on the continent was that they didn't seem to have any base of operations and after a raid on an unsuspected village they would seemingly disappear in thin air.   During the three decades of raiding, the affected nations would all send troops to try and defend towns and villages that were deemed to be the ones most likely to be the raiders' next target, most times it would be a waste of resources, the raiders always seemed to be able to figure out what places were defended and what places were not.   the Zephyrs also didn't besiege a place, if the first attack didn't succeed in breaking what defences the target had, the Zephyrs would simply retreat and disappear in thin air.


Major language groups and dialects

The Zephyrs were not known to have spoken any languages that were spoken in Mirateia or on any of the surrounding islands, a fact that to this day still puzzles scholars all over the continent.

Culture and cultural heritage

Little is known about the Zephyrs was that they placed high importance on what scholars have concluded to be their clans.   Scholars have over the years been able to deduce that though Zephyrs within a clan commonly fought with each other for dominance over the clan, these battles were quickly forgotten after their resolution. In most situations, Zephyrs of the same bloodline were loyal friends and allies to one another.

Foods & Cuisine

Zephyrs were observed to eat the same food as average citizens of the continent but rumours have it that they from time to time would eat their captives.

Cover image: Razing of a town by cow2face(via midjourney)
  • 462 BIC

    6 Gigiana
    462 BIC

    5 Gigiana

    First raid

  • 462 BIC

    11 Gigiana
    462 BIC

    11 Gigiana

    Second raid
    Military: Skirmish

  • 461 BIC

    15 Aetheria
    461 BIC

    15 Aetheria

    Battle of Cadun
    Military: Battle

  • 442 BIC

    25 Lunaria
    442 BIC

    25 Lunaria

    Sacking of Emitlestar
    Military: Skirmish

  • 432 BIC

    31 Gigiana
    432 BIC

    31 Gigiana

    Last raid of the Zephyr Gnolls
    Military: Battle


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Oct 1, 2022 14:33

You have a good start here, but some things are missing that could elevate the article and may be worth adding after the awards ceremony.   What do the Zephyr Gnolls look like? Gnoll will tend to conjure up a particular image with fans of video games or DnD. Is this the correct image, or are the ones in your world different?   What is the technology or tactic that allows their raids to be so successful?   Are the raids taking place across the continent, or do they stop at a mountain range or other geographic barrier?   How do the raiders treat their dead, are they left where they fell, or did they collect them after battles, leaving no bodies behind?   As shadow Malachi said, a cool article, just some thoughts I had on how to expand it a bit.

Updated soon.