Piracy in Mirateia? in Mirateia | World Anvil

Piracy in Mirateia?

The acts of Piracy is generally viewed as something that should be stopped with all means by the different societies around the continent but some rulers might view it as a mean to gain more glory and honour to oneself or they might view it as a weapon against enemies.  

Kingdom of Kistals:

the acts of piracy in the Kingdom of Kistals are viewed as a way to gain honour and treasure for one clan. Mostly the Clans just plunder and steal from each other but some of the larger clans who maybe can run several fleets, have begun to steal from some of the richer countries such as the Empire of Derica, Kingdom of Dranubel, It has come to a point where the boost to the economy that the pirate fleets bring back is so vital for the High King that if it were to stop there is a good chance that he would be removed from the throne. Another vital source of income for the kingdom is that of protection money, some trade guilds who can not afford to hire protection or operate their warships might go to the clans that are known to serve as pirates and offer them a quarterly or yearly tribute.  

Grand Duchy of Qick:

Piracy has long been a trouble for the Grand Duchy and that has meant that the Duchy have some of the strongest punishments for those who commit such acts. While the Duchy have a troubled history when it comes to piracy, there are nonetheless some pirate captains who have managed to work their way into some romanticized legends. The Duchy is also providing a naval base for the Empire of Dercia and its navy to operate out from.   

Principality of Clifia:

Officially the Principality is against piracy and this is one of the few areas where they work together with the Empire of Dercia to bring an end to piracy in both the northern sea and the southern sea. with that said unofficially the Principality works together with some of the clans from Kistals to hunt and sink ships from Dercia. Principality of Clifia may be the most prolific user of privateers, in an unofficial capacity that is, but for those pirates that are not on the Principality's payroll are being hunted in the same way as the other nations are hunting pirates in their waters. Clifias view on piracy is shaped out from that perspective that if they can use the pirates in a way to hurt their rivals they will not hesitate in helping those pirates.

Empire of Dercia:

The Empire maintains several fleets with the only purpose to hunt down pirates, especially in what they view as their sea: the Emerald archipelago in the southern sea. The Empire views piracy on the same level as murderers and bandits on land, which means that if caught in the act of piracy, and a judge finds the captured guilty they will either be sent to prison camps with a life sentence or hanged on the coast as a warning to other pirates. The navy after some of the wars against Clifia had grown so big that the government was looking for ways to justify the size and it ended up forming four navies with the sole purpose of hunting down pirate fleets that had formed while the two nations had been occupied with the war and the following civil wars.    One of the most famous pirate-hunting ships in the Derican navy is the HMDS Anzio.


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Nov 24, 2021 19:23 by Laurabones

We all know that piracy is a noble and honest profession!