Cave of the Witch Aquaria Geographic Location in Miranth | World Anvil
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Cave of the Witch Aquaria

This coastal cave was carved out by years of waves and creatures making it their home.   For the last 200 years, a witch had made it her home, taming aquatic creatures and carrying out rituals to lengthen her life. Soon, she turned to powerful necromancy using the lives of five infants, all of their potential life, to extend her own for 100 years. Ad the town of Stralia began to establish itself, she gleefully began to bide her time for her chance to extend her life once again. Her horrors were stopped by Marren Quinvar in the year 361. A century later, she rose again to extend her life, kidnapping the newly born children in Stralia. She was again stopped, then struck down by a devious ploy enacted by a group of adventurers, including Marren's apprentice Leon Sacoda.   Now the cave is home to a small sea dragon by the name of Lokra'tadopple, who was held prisoner by the witch. He has proclaimed it his territory, but is eternally appreciative to the town who saved him.


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