Sword of Shadows
The Sword of Shadows originated at the origins of the world. Soon after humanity had been created and mobs began appearing, the humans had to learn to craft weapons in order to defend themselves. The first human, Steven, crafted the first diamond sword, which would go on to become the legendary Sword of Heroes and be passed down throughout the many generations as the weapon used to smite the darkness. However, there was another sword created in that era. The second diamond sword to be crafted, built by the hands of William, was revered as a different legendary sword. However, it was eventually lost to the passage of time, and for many centuries, its whereabouts remained unknown.
One day however, it was uncovered by a mysterious person, who infused it with an exceedingly rare material known as Netherite. The sword was transformed into the very first Netherite sword, a superior weapon to the long-remaining king of materials, diamond. It became the Sword of Shadows, and turned into a symbol of evil that stood as a counterpart to the Sword of Heroes. The blade itself is evil and the amount of power that comes with wielding it is enough to corrupt anyone who isn't strong-willed and pure of heart.
The Sword of Shadows appears different from standard Netherite swords in that it has pointed ends of its guard. It also has a glowing red gem on its guard. Its guard is inverted from the standard design of swords and the Sword of Heroes.
The confirmed enchantments on the Sword of Shadows are as follows: Fire Aspect, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Anthropods, Looting, Knockback, Sweeping Edge, and Unbreaking.
The Sword of Shadows appears exclusively in the Legacy Timeline and is used by many of David's opponents. It appears to have the ability to duplicate itself should it be destroyed. The sword traditionally is revealed to be buried within a block of netherrack, to which its 'chosen' wielder must pull it out.
The more sinister counterpart to the Sword of Heroes.
Only one.
Author's Notes
This article was inspired by the addition of the Netherite sword in the first snapshot of Minecraft's 1.16 Nether Update. It is very likely to change in the future as Mojang adds on to the game in the near future.