
Pashartians are a sapient bipedal necroid species that originated on the tundra world of Taralon. Unlike other species in the galaxy, Pashartians primarily reproduce through the consumption and conversion of other sapient beings. Referred to as 'necrophages', Pashartians can infect any sapient species, rapidly rewriting their DNA and converting them into another Pashartian. The process takes several days, as the infected victim is converted in a cocoon in a manner similar to a moth analogue. The resulting Pashartian is created with limited memories, but full sapience.

Until approximately five hundred years ago, the Pashartians were a semi-sapient species that dwelled in the depths of Taralon's mountains. During the late 1700s and early to mid 1800s CE, Jeferi scientists conducted crude experiments on the Pashartians (in an effort to create a subservice slave species) that resulted in them gaining sapience. However, the experiments were shut down when the Pashartians were shown to be capable of absorbing other sapient creatures and converting them into Pashartians. While most of the experiments were successfully liquidated, a small number managed to escape from captivity into the wilderness.

Over the 19th and 20th centuries CE, the escaped Pashartians rapidly grew in number by converting Jeferi captured in stealthy raids against population centres. Jeferi authorities rarely took action, and those that did were either avoided or absorbed by the Pashartians. In 1991 CE, the Pashartians had established enough of a population, infiltration, and technological base to make their move. They swiftly descended upon major Jeferi population centres, slaughtering millions, and seizing effective control of the planet. Since then, the Jeferi have been reduced to a slave and breeding species under the complete dominion of the Pashartians.

Although their primary means of reproduction is through absorbtion of other species, Pashartians can reproduce sexually. However, this process is significantly longer than other species, taking upwards of five years for a single cycle. Pashartian DNA is also highly resistant to cloning - extremely precise instruments are needed to maintain the stability of erratic necrophage cells, which often attack foreign genetic material. Pashartians are extremely strong, capable of easily overpowering most species in the galaxy. Pashartians are often very socially combative and self-important, and early on had to establish strict rules of conduct to prevent breaking their 'masquarade' with the Jeferi. Even with their social rules in place, Pashartians often resort to violence to solve simple disputes, and are difficult to organise in groups.
180 years
Average Height
2.0m (male)
1.9m (female)
Average Weight
100 kg (male)
95 kg (female)
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