Orc Species in Midrial | World Anvil


Orcs are an often feared race. Tales of their brutality have been passed down for so many generations that it has become the truth. Orcs are powerful and often thirst for battle. This is not to say that Orcs are evil, as many are not. Their passion for combat is often driven by a desire to please their gods. However, some Orcs reject this tradition and aspire to become something else.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Orcs are brutish. Standing up to 8 feet in height, covered in powerful muscles, with rectangular builds, few see orcs as friendly in shape or stature.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Traditional common orc culture is extremely warlike and when not at war the race is usually planning for it. Most orcs approach life with the belief that to survive, one must subjugate potential enemies and control as many resources as possible, which puts them naturally at odds with other races as well as themselves. This belief is spurred in part by Gruumsh and his pantheon, which teaches that all races are inferior to the orcs. Eyes of Gruumsh are orcs especially tied to the one-eyed god and offer sacrifices, read omens, and advise tribes through Gruumsh's will. For millennia common orcs have plagued civilizations as raiders and pillaging hordes with orc tribes united under the banner of Gruumsh.   Orcs don’t know peace; their gods demand that they go to war after war, and all of their gods have at least some attachment to battle; Gruumsh is the main god of war, Yutrus and Shargaas are the gods of old age and disease, guiding the orcs to the grave. Luthic is the goddess of birth and the grave, the circle of life, and the caretaker of the Orcish people. These gods bicker and tustle, but they are all critical to Orcish survival, and Orcs care deeply for their gods.
Genetic Descendants