Mud dragons Species in Midrast Wain | World Anvil
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Mud dragons

Emerald Rosebush Wakeanborn is their last surviving male dragon. Nothing their pitiful Wheel tribe can do if he is dead too.

Azure Hailstorm Freezanborn, Matriarch of Mud dragon Spear tribe.

Mud dragons

They are no doubt one of the greatest astrologists and crafters of all the draconic tribes, only Jungle dragons can rival them in their craftiness. Despite high tensions and near-constant blood feuds between many different Mud dragon tribes, they are fairly open to business and dealings with other draconic races, especially if it can bring them profit. One of the many products they offer are various body paints, chisels, clay bowls or clay tablets as well as weapons like Third claws or Flute.   Sexual dimorphism is very apparent amongst them. Females are nearly twice as large as males and are much more common. In fact, male Mud dragons are so rare that they are forbidden to leave their home territory and are extremely valuable to any tribe, not only for multiplying purposes but also for their spiritual and religious guidance. It is not uncommon to have rival tribes attempt to kidnap, assassinate or poison their opponent's male dragons in order to break down the morale of their warriors or force them to surrender.  

Mud dragon coloration examples

Basic Information


A thick layer of armored scales protects their backs and back side of their necks and prominent horns protruding from their heads that never stop growing ensure that they can be a threat head-on as well. Their tails have a flat club like ending capable of delivering bone-shattering impacts. As much as they are heavy and well-protected, their claws are neither long nor as sharp as those of Air or Fire dragons, this on the other hand allows them to handle objects with ease.   Flying is limited only to short-burst flights or glides but their bodies are well developed for endurance on foot and they can keep for long periods of time.

Genetics and Reproduction

Not limited in terms of breeding capability by the time of the year, estruses happen only for females and are strongly individual. Generally, breeding is discouraged in Late Wakean or Early Freezan as Freezan-born individuals are believed to be cursed.   Females almost always lay exactly 2 eggs after 3 weeks of gestation. When an egg more is laid it is viewed as a great boon, while the opposite means that the individual without a sibling will be facing a difficult fate ahead. Hatching occurs roughly 50 days after laying.

Growth Rate & Stages

Male dragonets reach full adulthood in 8 years, females a year after that.

Ecology and Habitats

Majority of Mud dragons live in forested areas, preferably close to rivers or lakes. This sometimes causes territorial disputes with Water dragons, especially in areas closer to the east coast. Some may decide to live in places with less vegetation but ultimately they all avoid cold climates and mountains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Able to eat almost anything, Mud dragons are excellent cooks and frequently mix and cook their meals far more than any other draconic species. Their meals contain a lot of vegetables, mushrooms, fish and red meat, some of which they themselves grow or catch using hunter's traps.   At the start of Freezan, all Mud dragons start preparing for their hibernation by storing dried meal and long-lasting food in their dwellings to last the rest of the month.

Biological Cycle

Mud dragons are the only draconic species that enter a seasonal time of pseudo-hibernation. Most of the Mud dragons build or dig themselves muddy or clay dwellings where they sleep through the majority of the Freezan, only waking up for brief amounts of time to eat, drink or lay eggs.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mud dragons form smaller collectives known as "tribes" which are entitled to a certain area which borders are marked by their scent and signposts. Very few dragons ever venture out of their home territory, however such an occurrence is known to happen only if a tribe is too numerous to support everyone's food demands or too small to be able to function properly, in which case the remaining tribe members will attempt to form a new tribe or join an existing one.  
  • Matriarchs are the undisputed leaders of their own clan. They are generally the oldest surviving female or the most revered one.
  • Adult Males are spiritual leaders of their respective clan. Given their small size and weaker form, they usually perform less physically demanding roles such as Shaman, Dreamweaver, Wingbinder or Starseeker.
  • Dragonets and hatchlings are raised by their fathers primarily and around their 5th year join apprenticeship of a Clawstopper, Huntress, Greencarer or Purveyor
  • Clawstoppers are a dangerous role but of utmost importance to dissuade neighboring tribes from threatening their males.
  • Females of any other profession - while also important, generally are relegated towards breeding more often than Clawstoppers are.
  • Hybrids or visitors. While still suspicious of hybrids and other species, Mud dragons will not be openly hostile towards any that wish to trade with them or can provide them with a service they desperately need.
  • Facial characteristics

    Broad snouts, small eyes and ears

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    North and North-East of the continent.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Excellent sense of smell, not so good hearing. This means that conversations with Mud dragons tend to be L O U D.  

    Male/Female size comparison

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Names consists of three parts:
  • 1st part is given name: Chosen for each hatchling by their fathers and tends to be related to colors or sensory objects.
  • 2nd part is family name: Inherited from their father's name. These can vary wildly what they depict but most often refer to real life things. Each Mud dragon knows story explaining why they have this particular name.
  • 3rd part is based on date: Taken from the month the hatchling was born.
  •   Example: Azure Hailstorm Freezanborn
    1. Azure was given to her by her father because of her eye color.
    2. Hailstorm family name dates way back to the legend stating her forefathers arrived at Midrast Wain in the middle of Freezan and survived without proper protection against weather.
    3. Freezanborn means she was unlucky enough to hatch in the month of Freezan, something considered to be a bad omen for her future.

    Beauty Ideals

    Prominent horns and long tails. A deep brown coloration is fairly rare but also considered very appealing, whereas very light complexion not so much.

    Gender Ideals

    Males - appearing as majestic and as decorated as possible, this usually directly translates to older age. The more decorations and gifts male receives, the more obvious it is that he has sired a great many offspring for the tribe. So older males are thus more attractive.   Females - appearing confident, mighty, terrifying and fierce. Generally, the typical "grizzled warrior" style is the most appreciated as it promises that her offspring will inherit her strength. The same applies to a smaller degree about great minds, storytellers or Wingbinders. Once again, older females with great accomplishments are more appreciated.

    Courtship Ideals

    Females tend to mate and breed with males out of necessity for the tribe, decision bestowed upon them by their Matriarch so there is rarely any courtship involved in the act itself but it is customary for the dragoness to bring a "gift" and apply herbs and pleasant-smelling flowers onto her form before she visits the male.

    Relationship Ideals

    Considering there is about 1 male in 10 eggs, all relationships are polygamous at best.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    While Air dragons (or Sun dragons) are believed to be the inventors of written language, Mud dragons have adopted and greatly improved upon the written language and are the main suppliers of clay tablets.

    Common Etiquette Rules

    Males and Matriarchs are always treated with respect, especially if you are a foreigner. Making an insulting remark towards either of these two can be punished with death. If one is to speak with a male or Matriarch of a tribe, they are expected to be humble and not appear threatening.

    Common Dress Code

    While not necessarily dressed up, males tend to wear animal trophies on their heads, shoulders or backs brought to them by their tribe. Even their tails can be adorned with feathers or fur to symbolize their station. When a new Matriarch is elected, she is painted with two white moon-like shapes on her forehead and given a crown that represents their tribe.

    Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

    Months play an important role in the life of Mud dragons and lead towards how they structure their survival. Each first day of a new month is celebrated with a Celebration of Passing  
    • Wakean - Time of new life and rebuilding. About 35% of all hatchlings are born this month. Dragons born on Wakean are believed to be blessed with vitality, tenaciousness and strength.
    • Fertilan - Time of struggle, conflict and self-preservation. About 60% of all hatchlings are born on this month. Dragons born on Fertilan are believed to be blessed with craftiness, strong-will and compassion.
    • Freezan - Time of sleep, rest and preparation for days of frost. About 5% of all hatchlings are born on this month. Dragons born on Freezan are believed to be cursed with life full of difficult choices and misfortune. But some of the greatest leaders, inventors and warriors in Mud dragon society hatched on Freezan.

    Common Taboos

    Consorting with Fire dragons or with members of the enemy tribes.

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Generally accepted, although only for females of lesser station and importance.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Genetic Descendants
    Scientific Name
    Midrast Draconius Lutum
    Sun dragon - 35%, Moon dragon 65%,
    60 years
    Average Height
    Female - 2.3 m Male - 1.3 m
    Average Weight
    Female 110 kg Male 65 kg
    Average Length
    Female 2.2 m (1m long tail) Male 1.8 m (0.8 m long tail)
    Average Physique
    Bulky, muscled
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Characteristic are natural beige, orange, red-brown, deep green and light green.   Some believe the coloration is tied with the dragon's season they hatched in. Generally, lighter colors occur among late Wakean and early Fertilan individuals, while those hatched in Freezan have deeper tones.

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    Cover image: by Velannal

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