Session 1: Introductions Report Report in Midgard | World Anvil
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Session 1: Introductions Report

General Summary

Jayme and Onia are attending a seminar in summoning, taught by Master Summoner Linnea Thorn in the Arcane Collegium in Zobeck.   When Linnea summons a goblin in order to demonstrate the use of this type of spell, Jayme takes exception.  He does not believe that the will of any intelligent being should be constrained or controlled by another.   Linnea explains that there will be several such lessons over the next few seminars, and she can't have him disrupting classes.  She asks him if he can retrieve stones from the headwaters of Grandfather's Tears, a river that runs through the eastern Old Margreve.   She suggests he find a merchant caravan traveling in that direction, and recommends he visit the Seven Bells, where many merchants and traders who are stopping between expeditions like to visit.   Meanwhile John and Dyrr's characters participating in a gambling game at the Seven Bells.  They're playing with Old Jeb, an older merchant, one of his guards, and a few other merchants.  Later in their game, Dyrr's character beats Old Jeb out of his money, and Old Jeb quits the game.
A new trader, Auldus Vladistim, joins their game.  During play, he explains he has a barge full of lumber that he is taking to Runkelstad, and is seeking guards who can help protect his shipment on the journey.  John and Dyrr explain that they'd be interested in helping.  John is a young cleric of Rava and has some healing abilities, and Dyrr is a skilled hunter and bowman.
It is around this time that Onia and Jayme enter the Seven Bells.  John recognizes Onia as a warrior he hired on behalf of the Church of Rava in order to escort some priests who were traveling out of city.  He points her out to Auldus and explains she might be looking for work as well.   At this point, Onia introduces her classmate, Jayme, who is an apprentice wizard to Linnea Thorn, one of the master mages at the Arcane Collegium.   The PC's, having all been introduced at this point, talk to Auldus and agree to assist him.  During the conversation, Jayme explains he's been tasked by his master with recovering enchanted stones from the headwaters of the Grandfather's Tears river.  Auldus explains that if they help him as far as Stefanstor Castle, they could split at that point and Jayme could travel on foot or boat up the Grandfather's Tears.   The characters agree, and are eating dinner together when a group of five Kariv wanderers enter the tavern.  They are loud and rowdy and disliked by the other patrons.  John notices one of them pickpocketing another patron and challenges the Kariv.  The Kariv at first deny, but the barkeep orders them to get out and return the money.  After this encounter, the Kariv depart.   Onia and Jayme depart to return to the college and rest for tomorrow's trip.  John and Dyrr also leave.
Just outside the Seven Bells, John hears a woman screaming for help from an alley.  He's suspicious it may be an ambush and calls to Jayme and Onia.   Their caution is justified, as it turns out the woman is the female Kariv they encountered at the Seven Bells.  A fight ensues, with three of her male companions trying to kill the PC's.  She remains out of the fight until they've dispatched two of her friends.   At this point she reveals her talents as a spellcaster, as she shreds Jayme's enchantments of darkness.  Jayme finally recognizes her as Lavinia Heph, sister of Asirai Heph, clan leader of the Heph family who held him captive so many years ago.  He realizes her power and suggest the PC's flee.   Lavinia calmly summons a wall of fire in the street that promptly sets two homes on fire.  The watch is summoned, and Onia and Jayme flee to the college.   When the Watch arrives, John explains to them what happened, and while a bucket brigade is started, the Watch send a runner to the college to request assistance from a spellcaster capable of stopping a fire.   Linnea Thorn arrives to help with the fire, and after summoning a rain storm to put out the fire, she informs the watch that whoever summoned the fire had a command of dark sorcery or witchcraft.  When John mentions having engaged in a fight and having been assisted by Jayme, she explains Jayme is her student.
In the early hours of the following morning, Jayme awakens from a terrible dream to find smoke filling his bedchamber.  He runs out, to find Linnea emerging from her own chamber coughing.  They attempt to flee, and at the bottom of the stairs, a few steps from the front door, Jayme witnesses Linnea being cut down by a sword stabbed into her back.  Leander Heph emerges from the shadows.  He was a frequent visitor to the Heph family members who had held Jayme captive for so many years in their circus.
As she coughs up blood on the floor, Linnea tells Jayme to flee. He runs and sees Lavinia Heph just as the house explodes.  In the chaos, smoke, and fire, Jayme flees to the college where he hides in the classroom in which he used to learn at Linnea's feet.   In the morning, classes are called off and it's explained by the school administration that that Master Summoner Linnea Thorn was murdered the previous night.

Onia realizes Jayme is missing, and searches his known haunts in the college, finally finding him after a search of the library and several classrooms.    She convinces him that if these Kariv he saw kill Linnea are capable enough to kill a master spellcaster, then she and Jayme will have no chance, and should hide or flee.  She suggests that they should continue with taking the barge south, so they can get away from whoever is hunting Jayme.   Onia and Jayme meet John and Dyrr at the docks, and tell Auldus that they'll travel with him as far as Stefanstor Castle, or beyond.   The barge pushes off, and the adventure begins...


The events of this session took place on GoldFlower 11, FY 82.
Crossing the Bifrost
Report Date
11 Jan 2020
Primary Location

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