Dihm Character in Midgard | World Anvil
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"He is the one who walks unseen,
who speaks without words,
who watches from the shadows.

Feel comfort in darkness,
for he is with you.
He cares for all who seek shelter,
who hold secrets,
who require concealment."

Dihm (also known as "the Mistwalker") is one of the prime deities in the Eldar pantheon. He is recognized as the god of darkness, secrets and sanctuary. He is the son of Luna.   Dihm is believed to have created the Ethereal Plane.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Twilight, Life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dihm's primary symbol is that of a black circular shield with a smoke symbol at its centre. Black represents darkness, concealment and secrets. The smoke represents disappearance and stealth.

Tenets of Faith

Dihm is a patron of all who wish to be unseen and unheard. He makes no distinction between good or evil, trusting his followers' needs to adhere to his teachings. Fugitives, rogues, spies and outlaws are among those who call upon his aid. Dihm promises his followers an afterlife free from oppression and anxieties from their mortal life, but where is not exactly clear.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Even though Dihm is a patron of many evil-aligned beings, he opposes the Nether gods themselves and their goals to destroy or dominate the cosmos. However, his own goal is unclear.
Divine Classification
Prime Deity


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