Session 24: Ending the War Report Report in Midgard | World Anvil
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Session 24: Ending the War Report

General Summary

The Rat Pack deals with the aftermath of killing Garrin Ashcopse in their special way. Azid will pay for his actions while the rest of the party enjoys some much-needed time off. Bral Day comes, and everyone can enjoy food and games with a pirate theme. Quranis returns with another problem that only the Rat Pack can help her solve... or at least she hopes they can.

Ending the War

Immediately after killing Garrin Ashcopse, Azid begins detecting any more magic in the room, starting with the summoning circle. While it is clear that it was meant to conjure devils, the magic was quickly fading away. After that, he inspects the treasure chest in the room and sees that while the chest itself wasn't magical, its contents were. Glebnor did not hesitate to open it up.
The contents of the chest revealed a handful of magical items, some personal effects, and a plethora of coins. Azid had the now-animated zombie corpse of Ashcopse help Kouvian carry the chest up the stairs and back into the cellar. Along the way, Azid and Kouvian argued about whether they should burn down the house. Kouvian vehemently argued against it, recalling that it was a crime punishable by death on Bral.
Someone could be heard trying to get into the cellar. Glebnor disguised themself as Garrin and went to answer the door. It was Kipper the Snake, and he was confused by the silent Garrin motioning him to leave and the shadowy figures in the cellar exiting through the opposite door. Still, Kipper was not known to be particularly clever and just accepted the scene.
As everyone left the cellar, Azid threw in a flask of oil and then sent a firebolt to ignite it. They wrapped the chest in a hammock, and Kouvian's warhorse dragged the load through the city streets in daylight. As they did, they saw that smoke was billowing, and people were yelling in the direction of Ashcopse's manor. Kouvian was about to shout something at Azid, but the wizard had already misty stepped far away from them.
 The group rested for an hour at their home. Azid suggested that the personal effects be delivered to the Ashcopse children. While they argued with Glebnor about why they could not take some items, an unhappy Kiara Evensong arrived.
She came in and asked why they had thought it necessary to burn the manor down. She told them that the guard was investigating the occurrence, and they had witnesses placing Kouvian and the rest leaving the scene with a chest. She wanted nothing more to do with them and left after that.
Soon after Evensong left, the magistrate's guard arrived with a cleric in the company. They questioned Kouvian first in a zone of truth that he openly accepted. He managed to answer truthfully while not implicating himself in any wrongdoing. They then went to Azid, and he tried unsuccessfully to resist the spell. He did his best to avoid implicating himself and almost managed to talk his way out of things. However, they weren't convinced that he didn't have something to do with the fire. Taking into consideration that they couldn't explicitly prove it was his fault alone and that he once saved the city, they decided to sentence him to a month in the Undercity instead. He was arrested then and taken away.

Some Downtime

Over the next month, the group did their activities.
Kouvian continued to work on his skills as a blacksmith.
Stinkbreath finally sought a cleric to cure him of his lycanthropy. After that, he went to continue his cooking classes. While he was learning, his teacher told him that he had trouble with some bookies that he owed gold to. Stinkbreath generously gave him 100 GP to pay off his debts.
Geasle began to learn how to use thieves' tools from Scaps.
While doing his time in the Undercity, Azid met up with Frank. Previously, they had ruined Frank's kidnapping plot and turned him over to the magister's guard. Although things were tense at first, Azid managed to befriend him. When the two weren't picking potatoes and hauling rocks, Frank began to teach Azid how to use wood carving tools.

Bral Day

When Azid was released, Glebnor went to pick him up. The two walked back to Top Shelf Hags, where Azid asked for something to eat that wasn't a potato. Stinkbreath, eager to demonstrate his learning, made him a fancy grilled cheese sandwich and served it with a bowl of hot ham water. This frustrated Kouvian, who swore he only made the sandwich edible by sheer dumb luck.
The next day was Bral Day. The holiday honored the pirate Captain Bral, who established the city. In celebration, there was a large festival where everyone dressed and spoke as pirates. They ate grilled scavver on a stick and partook in various carnival games. Everyone had a wonderful time, and a few won some exciting prizes.

Quranis Returns

When the Rat Pack returned from the festivities, they found Quranis waiting for them. They excitedly welcomed her, which surprised her, considering they were so eager to get rid of her the last time she showed up. Regardless, she told them she had grave news and that only they could help her. They invited her into the tavern to speak with them further.
Quranis told them she had been working for her patron, Zagar, a void dragon, for over a year. In return for the long-forgotten history of the spheres, she had tracked down various artifacts to give to him. This was all fine until recently.
After last seeing the party, she learned that Garrin Ashcopse had been responsible for stealing the Doom Croaker from her. In turn, she hired a master thief named Crucelia to go and steal it back. When she went to hand over the diamond, she met with one of Zagar's associates: Master Carvedous. The unsettling alien let on that they were building something with the artifacts that could "reshape the spheres."
Fearing that she was involved in something sinister, she rehired Crucelia. This time, she wanted the thief to infiltrate Carvedous' base in the Jungle of Chult to obtain any evidence of wrongdoing. She hopes that the Rat Pack will travel to the planet Toril and go to the land of Chult to meet with Crucelia and retrieve whatever she's found. If it is what she fears, they would then take it to the Imperial Fleet to handle. In the meantime, her next mission from Zagar was to obtain the Throne of the Gods, and she meant to research that on Bral while the Rat Pack went to Chult.
Kouvian seemed especially interested in her story, and the knowledge that Master Carvedous was involved made it personal for all of them. They agreed to help her. They would need to prepare to travel to Toril and then meet Crucelia in Chult at The Scaled Tavern.

Rewards Granted

+150 experience to Azid, Kouvian, Glebnor, Geasle, and Stinkbreath.

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed War with the Red Masks

Character(s) interacted with

Kipper the Snake Frank Quranis
The Rat Pack
Report Date
18 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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