Shire Hobbit Heirlooms Item in Middle Earth | World Anvil
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Shire Hobbit Heirlooms

Bow of the North Downs (short bow)

One of the oldest stories told in the Shire tells how a company of the best archers that the Shire could muster went north to aid the King in battle. They never returned, but a number of very strong bows are said to have been recovered from the battlefield and preserved to this day. When making a ranged attack using a Bow of the North Downs, add a bonus to your attack roll of half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

King’s Blade (short sword)

At times, country Hobbits find ancient swords inside fallen mounds, amid tilled fields or washed ashore along a watercourse. Unable to discover their precise origin, they call them simply ‘King’s Blades.’ On a successful attack with one of these swords, you get +3 to your damage roll against the target.

Lucky Armour (leather corslet)

Suits of armour are very prized ornaments in the houses of the greater families of the Shire. The best among them can be still put to proper use, if an adventurous Hobbit demonstrates they deserve it. When wearing this armour, you gain a +1 bonus to AC in addition to the normal AC bonus for wearing a leather corslet. You also gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws. Finally, once per day you can call upon its luck (no action required) to re-roll one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you dislike. You must use the result of the re-roll. This ability returns when you take a long rest.

Player Note

These items are not for sale at any price – they are treasures of the respective Free Folk. Usually, they are awarded to Player-heroes who take the Cultural Heirloom virtue, but they might also, in rare circumstances, be found as treasure or awarded as a gift to an honoured ally. If lost, they can be replaced at Sanctuaries.

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