Rohan Heirlooms Item in Middle Earth | World Anvil
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Rohan Heirlooms

Ancient Mail from Gondor (corslet of mail)

Many armouries in Rohan hold a vast array of weapons, helms and suits of armour created by smiths from the south, gifts from Gondor to the Kings of the Riddermark. A warrior wearing one of those coats of bright mail on the battlefield is sure to lift the hearts of his companions. When wearing this armour, you gain a +1 bonus to AC in addition to the normal AC bonus for wearing mail. Wearing Ancient Mail from Gondor allows you to perform a special version of the Help action to assist your comrades in arms. You may cheer your allies on as a bonus action – all of your allies within 10 feet that can see you gain advantage on their next combat attack roll – you may still attack normally. You must take a short or long rest before you can use this ability again.

Glinting Spear (spear)

The Rohirrim wield tall spears of ash, topped with sharp heads of cold steel. Some have been brought out of the North by those riders who first followed Eorl, their hafts cut from the trees of the ancient Greenwood. Glinting spears give a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with such weapons. On a successful attack in the first round of melee combat, a Glinting Spear does +3 damage.

Horsetailed Helm

The most valiant warriors of the Rohirrim wear gleaming helms crested with great plumes made from horse hair that make them stand out in the battlefield. You have been recognised with the honour to wear one in battle, and you have sworn to never retreat from the fray and lead your companions by example. Wearing this helm gives you a +1 bonus to your Armour Class. Additionally, while wearing a Horsetailed Helm, you are immune to the frightened condition.

Player Note

These items are not for sale at any price – they are treasures of the respective Free Folk. Usually, they are awarded to Player-heroes who take the Cultural Heirloom virtue, but they might also, in rare circumstances, be found as treasure or awarded as a gift to an honoured ally. If lost, they can be replaced at Sanctuaries.

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