Devu Species in Microsha | World Anvil


Devu are massive canines that hunt best in the darkness of the Deep. They are elephant-sized but resemble dark blue or grey wolves. Their fur is long, hiding six tentacle-like appendages that wrap around their torso. These appendages are fully able to grasp, snag, and crush most prey they come across if the devu's mouth or paws miss. Devu have also been known to carry and protect their young with these appendages, fully hiding their cubs in their fur. Their eyes are faceted like flies or mantises and are very sensitive to light. It is unclear how this faceted structure serves them in the darkness but appears to be a great asset when hunting in the Deep. These sensitive eyes, however, become a liability in lighted areas such as Microsha. Unable to handle so much light at once, devu who stray too close to the light are blinded and thus do not often approach highly lit areas.   Like wolves, devu are known to hunt in small packs. Lone devu are rarely actually alone; it is more likely that the devu are searching for a meal and their pack is close enough to call. Little is known about their social structure. However, there are known to communicate through flashes of light from bioluminescent sacks at the sides of their face (near the jaw) as we all howling, growls, and barks, though auditory communication does not appear to be the main form of communication.   Devu have one known ritual that belies their strong sense of society: burial. Devu packs have been known to drag the bodies of their dead toward Microsha and leave the carcass close enough to the light that humans are able to venture to see them. It is thought that devu perhaps take the bodies to a place they cannot see it, and thus are "taking care" of their dead. The devu layer their howling in various pitches, creating a long, single-note harmony that echoes through the cavern. It appears to be a kind of send-off or farewell. The pack rarely stays longer than a few hours after the howling.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most predators in the Deep, devu will eat anything they come across. While they are carnivorous, some reports have seen devu eating grasses and wild mushrooms as well. It is unclear whether this is for survival purposes or attempts to soothe stomach/bowel issues as is seen in cats and dogs on the surface.
Geographic Distribution