Spooktober 2023 - Despair in Meta world | World Anvil

Spooktober 2023 - Despair

As Baghol and Mario were dragging me away from the temple, my mind was racing as it never did. This expedition, it was supposed to be helpful, to bring lost knowledge home and improve the world. Yet. Here we are, only three leaving of the seven we arrived. I should have know, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, you cannot trust the Dracus... No, it's not that. I should have known that the temple would try to revive, I should have known that it would poison Raku's mind and control it. We all should have left when Jana first started acting strange, but when Raku also started acting up, that was my last hint, and I stupidly ignored it just because of the knowledge we had possibly recovered. Tim's death, it's not on Raku's hands, it's on mines. Jana's sanity, Raku's freedom... All taken away because of me not being the leader I was supposed to be. It is all on my hands, it is all my fault.
- Daeliha (Ievis)
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