Qing Character in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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An imposing creature for sure. No matter how you look at it, it is a dragon. Powerful and scary, it regards you with interest. "How long since I've had human visitors." It snorts.  
Qing is an Anima and one of the nine Bel. It's rules over the domains of people, treasure and knowledge and what appearance it takes depends on its viewers intentions. Red is default for people though it will appear in its yellow form if the viewer is searching for treasure and in its blue form if the viewer is searching for knowledge. Qing is intimitely aware of what form it's seen in. It's highly intelligent and wise but also greedy and vain. It will talk at length to demonstrate its superior intellect and will be offended if interrupted. Still, what it has to say is often helpful or interesting, especially if it's talking to a person.   It constructed the Sarashevi from which it draws all its Garmonbozia. It lives in the Lookout Vault from where it gathers and trades knowledge and treasure. It is usually not aggresive towards others, seeing them as potential sources of treasure and knowledge, especially when it's gaining treasure for knowledge. It will be especially interested in humans who manage to make it to its lair, offering to play games betting knowledge. Its goal is to acquire a fourth form, the green dragon. To do so it is in contact with several people close to the cyberway. How this will lead to a new form only it understands.  
  Anima mostly see its yellow form and rarely its blue one. It has a close relationship with Sulat who both tend to not want to upset the World Above as much and has a bad relationship with Nerog.  

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