Nerog Character in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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Fear and sickness overcomes you as you stand in the presence of what you can only describe as the devil. Dull pain washes over you the closer you approach. Your entire body screams to run. It lifts a hand towards you as incredible pain paralyzes your body and you feel yourself dying. You lose conciousness forever.  
Nerog, the devourer of worlds is a Bel and rules the domains of pain, deserts and fire. It is among the most powerful Anima that ever was and gains its Garmonbozia through ruining inhabited worlds. Once it manifests on a planet, it inflicts as much pain and suffering to its inhabitants as possible and absorbs it all. It has a devoted cult of the Red Cloak, doom sayers who think they will be allowed to rule the world after the release of their "god".   Tricked by Sulat and Veti, Nerog currently spends its time locked in the Lucid Cube created by Pan.

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