Sulat Character in Meta Man on Mars | World Anvil
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A humanoid entity stands before you, though its clearly not human. It is smiling a smile that could mean any number of things, you surely can't tell. You don't know what to expect and you hesitate. "Hmm, I'm quite busy, but I guess I can spare a moment for one who has managed to come here. I suppose you would like to know about me now?"  
  Sulat is a powerful Anima and one of the nine Bel. He rules the domains of lies, mirrors and death and is the only Anima to attribute himself a male gender. Though it often appears as a humanoid, this is not its true form. When in the World of Reason it resides in the Egress Theatre   Sulat gathers Garmonbozia through direct interference with the World Above and it comes in from multiple sources. Sulat is one of the few Anima who can freely traverse between the The World of Reason and the World Above through the use of mirrors.   Sulat has his hands in many human affairs, especially the unsavory kind and he knows many human secrets. Disguised, he entertains a powerful position in the human world. Acting as a shadow leader of the Stars crime organization, backing political leaders, holding shares in the largest of companies and being the defacto leader of the Talus cult and using its immense intelligence, Sulat has little trouble creating Garmonbozia in the World Above. He can often be found in the World Above or in his lair, the Egress Theatre.   Long ago he, with the help of Pan managed to lock Nerog away in the Lucid Cube. Sulat is quite content with the easygoing nature of the world and his operations. Nerog would have surely destroyed the world.  
While in the The World of Reason, it is rare for people to see Sulat in any other form than his standard humanoid form though he seems to take on more monstrous forms in times of elation. It is possible he assumes a different form during any bout of heavy emotion though nobody has seen Sulat destressed enough and been able to recount the tale.  
Sulats true form is a giant, red and black snake monster. Garmonbozia visibly bubbles all throughout his body seen as red spots covering his body.

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