The Tragedy of Laro Myth in Merkia | World Anvil
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The Tragedy of Laro

"And so poor Laro was misled, but heed his lesson in his stead. To cross a hag is most unwise, unless you wish your own demise. For true love cannot be obtained, through trickery or magics unexplained."
— Guillemin D'Auvay, Actor


In a small village of Loxenleaf lived two brothers, Laro and Lain. Both the were in love with the beautiful maiden Fara. Laro, the younger of the two, was a sickly man and deeply feared that Fara would choose his brother over him. One day while wandering the nearby woods collecting flowers for Fara he was approached by a mysterious old woman. She introduced herself as Granny Ethel and told Laros that she could help him win Fara's heart, all she needed was a lock of her hair. Laros agreed and took the hair to Granny Ethel, which she used to brew a potion that would make Fara love him for all eternity but before she would give this to Laros she demanded that Laros promise her his firstborn child. Laros refused and left without the potion but for the next week, Laro was haunted with nightmares of Lain and Fara until he could take no more and returned to Granny Ethel and accepted her terms.   The potion worked as Granny Ethel promised, Laro and Fara were soon married but after they had their first child Laro grew fearful of his promise. He arranged for the child to be hidden away from the village until she came of age. Furious at Laro's betrayal, Granny Ethel began plotting her revenge. While Laro was away collecting wood she came to the village, placed Fara under a magical sleep and cast an illusion on herself to take her form. In this guise, she seduced Lain and the pair were discovered by Laro. Granny Ethel taunted and mocked Laro and in a fit rage, he struck down his brother with his axe as Granny Ethel fled to where Fara lay enchanted. Lifting her spell she vanished into a cloud of mist as Fara awoke just as Laro burst into the room. His heart blinded by betrayal he slew his beloved. It was only then Granny Ethel revealed her true self and the hideous hag reviled her trickery and overcome with grief Laro fled the village and lived the rest of his days in a self-imposed exile to repent for his crimes.

Historical Basis

It is commonly believed that The Tragedy of Laro was an event that actually took place. The village of Loxenleaf can still be found to this day in the south-eastern region of The Freelands. Every year the village hold a special event known as Larosday where they burn effigies of Granny Ethel. This has caused some scholars to questioned the validity of the events as surely if a powerful hag lived near the village they would not accept such a slight against them to take place.


The Tragedy of Laro is a well-known tale throughout The Freelands mostly thanks to the theatrical adaptation known as "Laro and the Hag". It is a far lesser known tale in the other regions of Merkia though it will occasionally be told around campfires amongst travelers.

Variations & Mutation

There are several alternative endings to the Tragedy of Laro that have been popularised. In one version of the tale Laro kills Granny Ethel and with her dying breath, she curses him so he may never love again. In another Laro is overcome with grief after realising the deception and takes his own life.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting

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