Celrir Alpin Character in Meridian | World Anvil
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Celrir Alpin

Celrir Alpin was the final Voice of Divine Justice for Natdivida - Country, and leader of the Divine Council. He was once thought of as a very proud and strong leader, making difficult decisions with ease as he guided the nation to a brighter future.  

Pre-Divine Council

His clergy started in Pasafin, where he became a frequent practitioner of Cideva. His father was a lawyer and businessman for the large shipping industry Pasafin boasts. Celrir followed in his father's footsteps and became enraptured in the business practices and order involved in keeping tabs on large corporations. When he was a teenager, he decided to move to Yunque to get an education a the Hemisferric School of Magic. The business department was still founding, so he worked to learn the ins and outs of managing through an educational sense. During this time, the last Voice of Divine Justice, Seraphina Voss, came to the city to help engage the populous with the churches. He listened intently to her sermons and was enraptured by what power divine magics could do. He started following the tenants of Cideva, and eventually joined the church in Yunque.   He started within the church as an accountant, but prayed every day for a chance to prove himself to Cideva and to the church. One day, his prayers were answered and he got his first dream from the Ruler of the Founding Gods. Cideva told him that she sees great potential in him, and that he will change the world, but is wary to give him power. He begged and pleaded with her, and eventually she gave him a taste of power, with the threat that she could and would remove it at any time.  

Voice of Divine Justice

After gaining magical abilities, Celrir quickly rose through the ranks of the Church of Cideva, and when Voice Voss Died in 1199, he was easily selected as her successor. He became known for his grand ambitions right away, starting work on a project he said would move Natdivida to a new tier of magic and devoutness. He built the city Seraphim . People claimed that this was his life's work. That this is what he'd be remembered for, but he thought he would be responsible for something greater.   He started working on what would become his masterpiece, melding the planes of humans and gods. The project kept stalling, and failing, and people forgot about it. They did not think any worse of him, but his pursuits fell behind. Then, in the year 1235, the project jumpstarted. Celrir started talking about it again, he kept pushing for more funds to prepare for the ritual, he prepared paperwork for the use of Divine Anchor. People started getting excited about it. Then in the year 1245, it happened. The Reckoning.  

Post Reckoning

Following the collapse of the City of Seraphim, and the moral integrity of the Divine Council, Celrir was put in Jail. There he toiled for a month, in a vegetative state. He got dreams during this month. He dreamt of the spell succeeding, of Cideva coming to him and telling him to try again. That this time it would succeed.   Here are excerpts from his Journal he kept:  
2 weeks later... I had a dream last night. I was walking along the ruins of Seraphim. Or at least that is what I assume. A voice spoke to me. Cideva I assume. She has never spoken to me before. She has guided my path on multiple occasions, but this is rare. being spoken to by ones god is the truest semblance of belief, faith, and respect. She showed me my glyph I had inscribed. She showed me the corpse of the creature slain. The white blood was awful to look at, but the guilt of slaying such a beast is a small price to pay for being the one to join the planes. She questioned my judgement. Why I had only taken the celestial anchor. Why I had slain a creature a common mage could have. Didn't I know the power needed to complete the task I set out to? Her voice was urgent. Angry. So Angry. Then the dreamed faded. I talked to the serf boy about it when he brought me my porridge for breakfast. He told me to try to interpret the dream. That there is great symbolism found in dreams. I wish for another...
Three months later... I dreamt again last night. I now expect these dreams, near clockwork. The days when I don't feel the pull into dreams I worry about how my faith has strayed. She told me to try again. Not directly that is. But, she alluded to it. She talks of compensating for the tragedy caused by success. How light and dark must be balanced. I must try again. I have the spell for Planar Melding. I now know I need to increase the power. Draw form all the planes. I called upon those who were closest to me that were not arrested. We shall become the Empty Truth once again. I know what happened, and I know what needs to be done. The truth is we were not powerful enough. I was not prepared enough. I have sent them to go about summoning the creatures needed for the material components. I shall escape from this prison soon enough. In my dreams Cideva has said she would grant me the power to be near death, but not reach it. She shall cast it on me in my sleep in a forenight. It is time. I shall escape this place and try this again. But this time, this time I shall succeed. I must succeed. If not, the crimes they place on me would be true and I would have done all of this for nothing.
    Current Condition: Dead

Old Voice of Divine Justice, devotee of Cideva, member of the divine council. An old man who in the last year started looking his age.

Current Location
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1160 AD 1246 AD 86 years old


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