The Magocracy of Evrand Organization in Meridia | World Anvil
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The Magocracy of Evrand

Core Values:

  The Magocracy of Evrand is a unique and powerful nation, founded by the immortal wizard, Everette Lantzer, from the western half of the Empire. The nation operates as a strict magical meritocracy, where power and status are determined by one's mastery of magic. The strongest magic users hold the highest positions of power, and those with weaker abilities occupy lower positions.   The Magocracy is highly individualistic and traditionalist. This emphasis on individuality often leads to internal strife, as citizens compete for recognition and power. Despite this, the Magocracy values tradition and its citizens are fiercely proud of their nation's rich cultural heritage.   The Magocracy is renowned for its mastery of magic and its highly skilled wizards and sorcerers. Its magical prowess has allowed it to establish a strong and prosperous economy, based on the exploitation of magical resources and the production of magical items and artifacts as well as numerous magical and technological advancements, keeping them on the cutting edge of magical research.   Despite its strict magical meritocracy, the Magocracy is open to engaging in trade and diplomatic relations with other nations, including the Grand Empire of Adreon. However, the Magocracy is highly wary of outsiders and is not easily swayed by external influences.   Overall, the Magocracy is a complex and powerful nation, ruled by those with the greatest mastery of magic. Despite its internal strife and focus on individualism, its citizens are proud and dedicated to maintaining the power and prosperity of their nation.  


  In the Magocracy of Evrand, the rules of succession are unique and highly competitive. To become the ruler of the nation, the Archmage, an individual must first challenge the current ruler to a magical duel. The winner of the duel then takes the throne and must sit in it for seven days, during which time they are vulnerable to challenges from other would-be rulers. These rules are present throughout the power structure within the Magocracy. The rules can vary, from first blood, to death, to simply a race. The only criteria a Duel must meet to become valid is both participants must agree, and the duel must showcase the participants magical abilities. One may stand in for an immediate family member in case of a duel, in order to prevent rivals from "punching down" on your family because they cannot defeat you. While one can decline a duel, it is considered cowardly to decline a challenge given in good faith. A challenge in bad faith would be a Wizard who is renowned for speed alone to challenge you to a race. One would also face harsh scrutiny for even offering such a disrespectful challenge.   The only Archmage the Magocracy has ever known is the immortal wizard, Everette Lantzer. Despite innumerable challenges and several witnessed deaths, he has always returned to reclaim the throne and has never lost twice. This has resulted in a fierce respect for his power and a recognition of his strength among the citizens of the Magocracy. The source of his immortality is something only the Archmage himself knows, and his stance on sharing that information is "I figured it out. If you want to be immortal, you'll have to figure it out yourself"   The rules of succession in the Magocracy are designed to ensure that only the strongest and most skilled magic users rule the nation. This results in a highly competitive environment where magic users are constantly seeking to improve their abilities and ascend to the highest levels of power.   Despite this competitive environment, the Magocracy has maintained a strong and prosperous society, with a powerful and respected ruler at its head. The strict rules of succession have also ensured that the Magocracy remains a highly unified and dedicated nation, focused on maintaining its strength and prosperity for generations to come.  


  In the Magocracy of Evrand, fashion is a reflection of the society's highly individualistic and egotistical values. Citizens of the Magocracy tend to wear clothing that is gaudy and over-the-top, showcasing their personal power and abilities.   Bright colors and intricate patterns are favored, along with jewelry and accessories that demonstrate their mastery of magic. Clothing is often adorned with sigils and symbols that represent a wearer's magical abilities, and even the smallest detail is given careful consideration.   Despite this attention to detail, the fashion in the Magocracy is not always practical. Many citizens prioritize their appearance over comfort, leading to clothing that is sometimes uncomfortable or cumbersome. However, this is seen as a small price to pay for the opportunity to display one's abilities and wealth.   The fashion in the Magocracy is a unique and flamboyant expression of the society's individualistic values. It is a way for citizens to show their power and stand out from the crowd, and is an essential aspect of life in this highly competitive and magical nation.     The Magocracy of Evrand is known for its unique and timeless architectural style that blends elements of medieval castles with the grandeur of gothic structures. Tall towers, spires, and turrets dominate the skyline, casting a magical glow from the countless floating crystals of all sizes that adorn the buildings.   The use of stone, brick, and timber is prevalent in the construction of buildings, with intricate carvings and embellishments serving to accentuate the grandeur of the structures.   There is a sense of history and tradition in the architecture, as if the buildings have stood the test of time and will continue to do so for centuries to come. One of the most distinctive features of the architecture in the Magocracy is the use of floating crystals. These crystals serve a variety of purposes, from providing light to strengthening the structure of the buildings themselves. Some buildings even feature intricate arrangements of crystals, creating beautiful displays of light and color.
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