Mysticite Rover Vehicle in Meridia | World Anvil
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Mysticite Rover

Created in 732AC, the Mysticite Rover began as a project to improve long-distance transportation. Using the excellent energy storage properties of Mysticite as a power source, The Grand Empire of Adreon developed an engine capable of converting magical power into kinetic energy. They proceeded with development one a four-wheeled frame and a drivers compartment, though they quickly adapted to carry passengers as well. Since its development, the technology has become extremely widespread, with enough history and advancement to make a career recording.   In the modern day, Mysticite Rovers are in production all over the world, with more models and variations than can be counted. Despite drastic alterations in design, even chassis modified for aquatic use are still classified as Rovers.

Power Generation

The Mysticite Rover uses a "Kinetic Gyro" fueled by Mysticite for produce movement which is channeled throughout the chassis.


Energy from the Kinetic Gyro is primarily routed to two axles, each driving two wheels.

Weapons & Armament

Military Rovers often carry some kind of mounted Shard Caster

Armor and defense

Rovers are known to be somewhat fragile, however combat-ready models often employ a larger Gyro and use excess power to create a dome shield around the vehicle.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Additional systems in rovers can vary greatly, from collision detection and prevention to comfort such as atmospheric modulation.
Prices vary heavily, but the average price for a Rover built in the current year is 30,000 Marks
Rovers are extremely common and sold in lots and showrooms the world over.