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Flavors of Huran: A Culinary Chronicle

Hurani cuisine is endlessly varied and diverse. It has elements from all of the surrounding nations of the continent; those that visit Huran discover a gastronomic fusion that blends the sweetness of Yatham, the rich and earthy flavors of Notar, Inar's diverse spices, and the bold, spicy kick of the Casamin Islands. Yet Hurani food has its own unmistakable, unique flavor. Moreover, each region within Huran maintains its own food traditions and distinct character. This handy guide offers aspiring cooks and food lovers a glimpse into the main components and some of the different dishes native to Huran.

Chapter I: Breakfast

Breakfasts in Huran are a quick affair, as most people must get to work early. As such, a Hurani breakfast tends to be quick and simple, yet filling enough to provide the energy needed for the morning ahead. That is why this meal usually consists of sweet foods with plenty of fruits, particularly mangoes and grapes, which are native to Huran. These are a few examples of common Hurani breakfast delights:

Stuffed mango pancake rolls

This simple recipe only has a few short steps. First, combine flour and sugar, before adding eggs, milk, and mashed mango. Mix well, then pour the batter into a lightly oiled pan, and cook on both sides for a perfect, crispy pancake. Next, spread cream and fruits over the top of the pancake, then roll. Simple, quick, and delicious!

Cottage cheese and fruit pastries

These pastries are easy to make but so satisfying to eat! To make the dough, mix flour, eggs, milk, butter, sugar, and yeast. Once the ingredients are all combined, leave the dough to rise, until it doubles in size. Then, roll the dough flat and cut it into smaller cubes to be filled with the stuffing, which is a mixture of milk, sugar, cottage cheese, lemon juice, and fruits. Fold the pastry over the filling and bake. The wonderful thing about this recipe is that it's so versatile; any fruit can be used for the filling. Grapes, berries, mangoes, apples- the possibilities are endless!

Honey and fruit muffins

For this recipe, all you need to do is mix milk, eggs, flour, honey, and any fruits of your choice, such as berries or grapes. Bake the mixture for a delightful batch of muffins, which are best enjoyed warm with cream or jam spread on top.

Peanut butter and fruit oatmeal

This is quite possibly the simplest breakfast in this book, yet it is incredibly delicious and filling. Simply cook oats in a little boiled water, then add cold yogurt, honey, peanut butter, and fruit (bananas work exceptionally well for this recipe). Mix, and your breakfast is ready!

Cinnamon and sweet potato bread

To make this fluffy, moist bread, first activate yeast with warm water until it foams. In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, ground cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Then, mash the sweet potatoes into a smooth puree, and combine it with the yeast mixture, eggs, milk, and a little oil and lemon juice. Combine all the ingredients and knead until the dough is just a little sticky. Leave the dough to rise, then bake. This bread has a mild sweetness and is usually served with sweet toppings, particularly honey with cream cheese.

Chapter II: Lunch

Lunch takes center stage as the largest and most important meal of the day in Huran. It is the time when most people, free from work, come together for a family affair that can last up to two hours, or even the full three hours before the midday break ends! As such, lunch constitutes the cornerstone of a Hurani individual's daily diet.

In Huran, lunch must always be served with fresh vegetables! Piles of lettuce, leek, mint, arugula, and especially spring onions are a must-have in any Hurani lunch. Steamed and boiled vegetables, such as spinach, eggplant, and marrow, are also commonly featured in this meal. In fact, the sheer quantity of vegetables that Hurani eat at lunch often lead foreigners to quip that in Huran, vegetables take the spotlight while the rest of the lunch serves as a delightful side dish! Here are some of these popular 'side dishes' enjoyed across various regions of Huran:

Fried meat with vermicelli and vegetables

Let's start off with this fairly simple dish for lunch. Begin by frying the vermicelli alone until it turns slightly crispy, then set it aside. Next, fry meat cubes and garlic in butter before adding the vegetables and seasonings. You can use broccoli, marrow, carrots, green beans, or any other vegetables at hand for this recipe. Finally, mix in the vermicelli with the meat and vegetables.

Baked stuffed fish

For this recipe, you can use any type of fish; snapper, sea bass, tilapia, trout- any of them will do. To create a simple stuffing for the fish, mix butter, garlic, parsley, dill, sliced onion, sliced olives, and lemon juice. After gutting and cleaning the fish, stuff the belly with this mixture, along with a few additional lemon slices, then bake. Don't forget to drizzle some of the garlicky sauce over the top of the fish to make sure the whole fish soaks up the flavor!

Baked meat and potato in tomato sauce

Delicious and extremely satisfying, this dish is wildly popular in Huran. Although it is a tad time-consuming, the process is entirely worth the effort. First, the meat (usually lamb) must be slow-cooked for two to three hours until it is perfectly tender. In the meantime, fry sliced onions, then add tomato puree, and bring the mixture to a boil. Next, slice and cook the potatoes in the tomato puree. Bell peppers can also be added, for those who can afford them. Once both the meat and potatoes are ready, add the meat to the potatoes and bake for a short while until the surface achieves a tantalizing golden brown. This dish, usually served with rice, remains an all-time favorite for most Hurani.

Chapter III: Dinner

For dinner, the preference among the Hurani people is for something light to promote a comfortable sleep. As such, this meal typically consists of cheeses, yogurt, eggs, or beans, with a spread of pickles (commonly pickled carrots, onions, or mangoes) and salads on the side. It is also essential to note that Hurani dinners always involve some sort of warm soup, for a light but filling conclusion to the day. Really, the importance of drinking soup before bed to a Hurani individual cannot be overstated! To give this crucial aspect of Hurani diet its due importance, a separate section of this guide is dedicated to the traditional soups of Huran. As for this section, a few examples of common Hurani dinner dishes are described henceforth.

Spicy boiled eggs with yogurt dip

As the name suggests, all this dinner calls for is boiled eggs dusted with chilli powder, served with a yogurt dip on the side to counter the spice. Any herbs or vegetables can be used for the dip, although mint is most commonly used. While delectable, this dinner is predominantly favored by Huran's upper class, given the expense of the imported chili powder from the Casamin Islands.

Bread with garlicky bean yogurt dip

This is a more affordable and widespread dinner. The dip is made with mashed roasted garlic and red beans, blended with yogurt, a hint of oil, and any herbs of your choice. Serve with a warm loaf of freshly baked bread and pickled carrots.

Baked stuffed tomato

This recipe may be easy to make, but it is incredibly delicious and a personal favorite. First, cut the tops off the tomatoes, hollow them out, and bake them. Then, stuff the baked tomatoes with a flavorful mixture of feta cheese, mint, sliced pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. Serve with olives and pickles.

Chapter IV: Soups

Soups are a cornerstone of Hurani cuisine; they're a must-have at dinner, of course, but can also be enjoyed at other times as a delightful option for those between-meal cravings. Light, warm, and filling- these are the defining characteristics of a traditional Hurani soup.

Mushroom, broccoli, and onion soup

This soup brings together the earthiness of the mushrooms with the freshness of broccoli and the sweetness of onion, resulting in a very warm and comforting flavor. To prepare, sauté the onions, mushrooms, and broccoli in butter until they soften slightly. Then, add water or vegetable broth, and boil the vegetables until they cook completely.

Lentil and carrot soup

Lentils and sliced carrots are combined in this soup for a more hearty combination, as opposed to the typically lighter Hurani soups. Although preparing the lentils requires soaking them overnight, the wonderful flavor makes it more than worth the effort, especially during winter. Once the lentils are ready, simply fry onions in vegetable oil, then add water and bring it to a boil. Finally, add the lentils and sliced carrots, let them boil until cooked, and season with salt and cumin. The key point to making this soup is to slice the carrots very thinly, so that they complement but do not overwhelm the lentils.

Egg soup

Making egg soup really is as simple as it sounds. Boil chicken broth, and add in some vegetables (typically green onions or spinach), garlic paste, and salt. Next, drizzle in whisked eggs gradually, then stir well. Simple, but so warm and comforting!

Spinach and onion soup

Another straightforward recipe, this soup still makes for a wonderful accompaniment to any Hurani dinner. Boil spinach in a pot of water, then add salt, chopped onions, and garlic paste, and cover until the vegetables are fully cooked. While spinach and onions form the base of this soup, additional green vegetables, such as celery, mint, spring onions, and watercress, are often included.

Chapter V: Dessert

Visitors to Huran are often astounded by the abundance of sweets and fruits that are part of the Hurani diet. Desserts are often enjoyed after lunch or as a treat before dinner. Some people even eat dessert following every single meal of the day! The reason for this is that most Hurani lead fairly active lifestyles, which thankfully allows us to indulge in our love for sweets. The following are some of the most popular desserts in Huran.

Banana rolls

Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, these banana rolls are extremely popular in Huran and perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth. They essentially consist of mashed banana with peanut butter and honey encased in a crispy fried roll. Nuts can also be added for a little extra crunch.

Stuffed peaches

To make this delicious dessert, slice peaches in half and remove the pits. Mix cottage cheese with a little milk, honey, lemon juice, and nuts, then stuff the peaches with the mixture and bake. The creamy cheese balances the sweetness of the peach, while the nuts give the dessert a delightful crunch!


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Dec 30, 2023 05:07

Wow, what a variety of dishes! And pickled mango, is that really a thing? <googles> oh wow, it totally is!

"Wherever you go, there you are" - Buckaroo Banzai   "Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda   "No plan survives contact with reality intact" - Me
Dec 30, 2023 07:57

What I've learned from researching random cravings is you can pickle pretty much everything haha. Thanks for reading! :)

Jan 2, 2024 22:16 by Lady Arsenik

I love that you explain WHY the Hurani cook the way they do, such as having a light dinner to promote restful sleep. Also now I want soup.

Jan 3, 2024 12:39

My passion for soup might have come across a little too strongly xD Thank you for reading and commenting!!