Lau-Shu Taj Character in Merana | World Anvil
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Lau-Shu Taj

Taj Lau-Shu

Born in Seres as a nephew of the King of kings, Taj had many advantages over his peers, but due to a lack of skill with glass was considered far enough down the hierarchical ladder to go largely unnoticed in his uncle’s political machinations - until an illness decimated the royal family, and the King was forced to scour the fringes of the family to find suitable bargaining chips.   Sent to be educated in Merana, Taj continued to ignore what was expected of him. He came with great disdain for Merana and its people, but upon realizing his role was to infiltrate and conquer, he experienced a change of heart, especially as his deficiencies with glass magic were less of an issue. Attempting to stay out of Seres politics inadvertently set him on the path to marriage with Merana’s most powerful senator, Nirav Montoya - all according to his uncle’s plan.   Fortunately for Taj, he fell in love with Nirav’s ruthlessness and devotion to his daughter, and their marriage has been a happy one with only occasional meddling from the King of kings. Though not as obvious about it as Silca was, Taj is not against pulling Nirav’s strings to achieve his own ends.   Taj has petitioned to adopt Crys, but Nirav has blocked him, without explaining why - the only real source of tension in their relationship.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sleek and almost dainty, he's a stark contrast to his corpulent husband.

Facial Features

A well-groomed goatee

Identifying Characteristics

He has a scar on his right cheek from an early childhood blown glass accident

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Waujing, Seres to lower branch of the King of kings' family, Taj was largely raised by his grandmother, as his parents were in the Bol Army. When, around age 10, it became clear he didn't have the skill necessary to follow in their footsteps, his future was no longer of relevance to the influential members of the royal family, and he was allowed to do as he pleased. Before he turned 18, however, an illness swept through the royal court that killed most of the nobles. (Later discovered to be an infection that their silicosis-weakened lungs were unable to fight off.) With fewer pawns on his chess board to play with, the King of kings' attention fell back on Taj, who was ordered to enroll at collegium in Merana where he'd be positioned as a spy for the dynasty.   A proud Serian, Taj balked at the order, considering an education in Merana beneath him. At the same time he chafed against the glass-dominated constraints of Seres society, and discovered there were parts of Meranese culture that rejected glass magic in favor of industrialization and hard work. Continuing to defy orders, Taj entertained himself through school and beyond by fanning the flames of dissent between glassmiths and ordinary folk, occasionally reporting back to his uncle with largely useless information.   Though they didn't attend Collegium Novaroma at the same time, Taj followed Nirav Montoya's career, and applied to work for the senator, eventually becoming one of his most trusted advisors, particularly after the death of Silca Caius Montoya. He helped to shape Montoya's anti-glass campaign, and when it was suggested that a marriage between them would be politically expedient, he proposed, having - by that time - become infatuated with Nirav.





Merana Senate, office of Senator Nirav Montoya [resigned, post-union]

Intellectual Characteristics

Taj is cunning and chaotic, a trickster god in the body of a mere mortal.

Morality & Philosophy

Chaotic neutral

Personality Characteristics


To take control and protect his stepdaughter


Family Ties


Lau-Shu Taj

Husband (Vital)

Towards Nirav Montoya



Nirav Montoya

Husband (Important)

Towards Lau-Shu Taj




They met when Taj came to work for Nirav's office, growing closer after the death of Silca as they embarked on an anti-glass campaign.

Nicknames & Petnames

Nirav calls Taj 'Prince,' and Taj calls Nirav 'Ravi.'

Relationship Reasoning

Both men lack ambition, but are fiercely devoted to their own self-interests, and find that ruthlessness in each other to be charming.

Shared Acquaintances

Crystal Montoya

Legal Status


Lau-Shu Taj

Step-Father (Important)

Towards Crystal Montoya



Crystal Montoya

Step-Daughter (Important)

Towards Lau-Shu Taj




One of the things that attracted Taj to Nirav Montoya was the man's devotion to his daughter. Taj wanted to formally adopt Crys, giving her some measure of standing in Seres, but Nirav refused to allow it. Nonetheless, Taj is usually the one Crys seeks out when she has a problem, and they are partners in managing Nirav.

Nicknames & Petnames

Crys calls him 'Papataj' when they're in private, and he calls her 'Tally.'

Relationship Reasoning

As she was only three when Taj and Nirav married, Crys considers him to be her second father.

Shared Acquaintances

Nirav Montoya

Wealth & Financial state

He comes from a middle class background, but married into a wealthy family, and took to the lap of luxury quite well.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of the 4th Rank
Year of Birth
1979 PoG 40 Years old
Waujing, Seres
Black, narrow and calculating
Blue black, tied in a single braid
Character Prototype
If Donnie Yen was the love child of Severus Snape and Marvel's Loki

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