Iulex Organization in Meora | World Anvil
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The religion based around the worship of the god Tevah and, by extension, @Divine Emperor Virathiel .


The Order is led by Divine Emperor Virathiel . His right hands, the Archtanivs, each ensure their assigned nations are properly employed to ensure the people keep faith. Their function is mostly administrative, they rarely lead ceremonies themselves. The Archtanivs make sure that every major city has its own Taniv, who in turn ensures that places of worship and priests are in place. 2 types of functionaries serve under them; Priors and Deacons. Deacons lead churches for the people, while Priors rule secluded Priories where the truly devoted may find their home. Some Deacons lead churches by themselves, while others have auxiliary Deacons. In such a case, all Deacons in a single church are technically of the same rank, although one usually takes a position of leadership.   The Virathian Inquisition, while mostly made up of Tevah faithful and closely tied to the Iulex, is its own beast and technically a separate institution.

Public Agenda

The Light's Law ensures that all may live in peace and prosperity. Tevah is the only true god and all who follow him will be blessed. The Iulex ensures that all people know of Tevah and can worship accordingly.

May Tevah keep you from the Chaos.

Founding Date
-32 EC
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Light


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