Kingdom on the Brink - Session 61 Report in Menorith | World Anvil
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Kingdom on the Brink - Session 61

General Summary

The party sees there's a vast mountain cliff in the distance, there appears to be a prominent scorched marks near the top of the cliff. The party makes camp at the base and Uriel and Merigold fly around and try to find a path up that allows for their horses and Gregori to make it up. After about an hour of flying they find a potential path that is out of their way. Back at the camp Rosemary starts to read her wisdom tome, Del Varis starts to make more needles, and Duromar starts to admire the fine stonework of the cliffside. Uriel and Merigold get back to camp and let the group knows what they found; Merigold starts cooking dinner. During this time, Amber Kerogen takes out her music box and starts listening to it. When Merigold gives her dinner, she tries to encourage her, Amber says to herself she wonders if it's better to not remember everything, given how horrible the fragments are; or to remember everything so it all makes sense. Duromar speaks about the horrible things he witnessed, he advises not to turn vices (alcohol or Quartz). He says that it will be hard, but that she will need to accept her past and embrace it, it is a part of her. Uriel says he just turned to conquest to ease his demons; Merigold says she just started stealing stuff. Duromar summons the magnificent mansion and the party long rests inside. They head towards the path Uriel and Merigold found last night, they begin to climb, they come across a shear wall, Duromar has a hard time trying to climb up, so Del Varis heads back down to get Duromar and carry him up. The group moves up the cliff until they come across a collapse portion of the cliff side. The party manages to make the jumps through various abilities, they climb further and get to an almost sheer surface. Uriel sets up some ropes to help the party climb up, which works out well until Amber's horse gets pulled up. It falls and slams against the wall (killing it), Uriel tells his mount she can eat it, who flies off with the corpse. The rest of the party makes it up with no issues, with Del Varis making it up with no help. When the party makes it to the top of the cliff they see that it is warmer (green spots of grass, not as much snow, some flower buds on trees). Duromar is once again enamored by the rocks, reminding him of his heritage, the rest of the party pinpoints the direction the heat is coming from and heads in that direction.

The party finds a huge meteorite, with large fragments split off from it, there is a rough trench leading up to where the meteorite stopped. As the party gets closer, several elementals start to form up around the largest fragment of the meteorite. Four Incinis materialize, Gregori and Merigold dash up to the closest Incinis, Merigold gets flanked, they attempt to pummel her, but she casts shield so only one critically hits her. Rosemary casts spirit guardians and moves up, Duromar starts singing his bladesong and casts scorching ray, but they do no damage due to them having fire immunity. Amber uses dimension door to teleport herself and Del Varis to get closer to the Incinis, Uriel attacks the Incinis with his sword, he gets burned by their extreme heat and his sword almost gets stuck, but he pulls it out. He then allows Del Varis to make and attack, which he does but he also gets burned and stuck in the Incinis. Del Varis drinks a potion which uses the gust of wind spell and pushes it (and himself because he's stuck to it) 15 feet back, nearly hitting Rosemary and Bob. The party moves into melee, one of the Incinis liquifies into a magical magma, Merigold lands some sneak attacks. One Incinis manages land several devastating blows on Amber. The party is slowing getting burned and stuck in the Incinis when Duromar upcasts banishment which sends three into a pocket dimension. The party focuses on the last Incinis, it turns into its magma form and hits Rosemary, but the rest of the party starts attack it at range. Duromar finishes it off with a finger of death, the party starts to prepare themselves and heal up, the other Incinis return. Duromar originally casts haste on Del Varis, then he changes his mind and casts darkstar (leaving Del Varis in a lethargy). The Incinis slowly get crushed by darkstar, they escape but the party works together and pushes them back into the darkstar (Del Varis uses his gust of wind and Merigold uses her pushing attack. Rosemary's spirit guardians start to shred the Incinis, Amber hurls eldritch blasts into the Incinis, the Incinis get crushed by the darkstar.

The party inspects the meteorite and the chunks; each one manages to get some of the meteorite and make note of where it has fallen. They realize that they would need more specialized tools to form it into something that could be useful. They return to the giant camp in the mid-afternoon, they show the chieftain their findings, they give the giants a false location and the giants begin putting together an expedition. The party asks about being granted an audience with "Grancarlos," the chieftain chuckles and comments how the giant tongue is too great or those with puny mouths. The chieftain leads the group to a large meeting tent and says to wait outside, the group discusses a plan and a few minutes later the chieftain comes out and waves them in. The group finds themselves before a smaller giant (large size, not huge), Grankaros introduces herself and thanks the party for what they have done in a short amount of time. The party starts to ask questions about why the giants were looking for the fallen rock, Grankaros says it is for a third party located in Crystal Bay. The group enquires further about the third party, they find out it is the same people who showed the giants the strength of Nadranth. They go back and forth, Grankaros speaking of the strength Nadranth has brought to the clans but how they still respect the strength and essence of the mountain. The party points out how the strength of the mountain is greater than Nadranth, Nadranth has not brought down the mountain. The group then says that they would be willing to help advocate for the giants as equals, to help them achieve their goals. After some persuasion, Grankaros gets up, she is moved by their sincerity but says that if the party is to advocate for the giants then their strength must be proven. She calls for the chieftain and tells him to gather everyone who isn't doing crucial duties to gather at the arena, she then has the party follow her there. She shows them to a room inside the arena and says she looks forward to the upcoming trial, Merigold returns the compliment. After about a half hour the group is informed the arena is ready for them and they enter.

There is a crowd of giants seated in the arena gallery, Grankaros is on the opposite side of the party, she starts to speak to the crowd. She says that champions of have made a new, compelling, argument. They have entered the arena to defend it and she is here to test their strength; she further says that the essence of the mountain will help in this test. The crowd starts to chant in giant (translate to "rock") and Grankaros summons a Mountain Giant, the trial begins. Rosemary dashes up and begins to dodge, Merigold, Gregori, Duromar, and Bob charge up as well. Amber casts greater invisibility on Del Varis and stays behind the group, Grankaros starts to flow and fires off 4 arrows from her ice longbow, landing two hits on Merigold. Duromar casts darkstar on the Mountain Giant, the Mountain moves forward but is slowly starting to get crushed. Merigold moves up and strikes Grankaros, Grankaros uses a legendary action and performs a whirlwind movement that hits Merigold, Duromar, Gregori, and Rosemary; Grankaros then moves to just off the platform. Rosemary is able to strike Grankaros several times, Grankaros responds by striking her with an ice spear. Del Varis moves up and activates a corrosion ability, Amber casts mirror image on herself. Duromar upcasts a scorching ray at Grankaros, Grankaros uses a legendary action to petrify Rosemary. The Mountain Giant gets a little more crushed but escapes the Darkstar, it then sprays dozens of boulders at Gregori, Merigold, Duromar, Rosemary, and Bob (restraining Duromar and Bob). Del Varis engages the Mountain Giant, landing several strikes, Amber follows it up with several critical strikes of eldritch blast. Grankaros flies further away and heals herself, the Mountain Giant uses roar, Del Varis partially resists it. Merigold rides on Gregori and catches up to Grankaros, she misty steps on top of her and strikes multiple time and action surges, she attempts to trip her and burns all her legendary resistance. Grankaros uses a legendary action to petrify Merigold, who falls to the ground. Rosemay regains her ability to move but needs to dig herself out of the boulders, Duromar attempts to banish the Mountain Giant, but it uses its legendary resistance. Bob frees himself and gallops up and begins to strike the giant, knocking it prone and critically hitting it. The Mountain Giant starts slam Del Varis and Bob multiple times and unleashes another roar. Grankaros flies closer and Duromar attempts to banish her, she responds by attempting to cast call lightning, but it gets counter-spelled. The fight with the Mountain Giant devolves into a melee, Del Varis and Bob continue to strike it and Amber hurls more eldritch blasts at it. Duromar has been unable to free himself from the boulders, so he casts steelwind strike and teleports near the Mountain giant and strikes it down. Del Varis dashes to Grankaros and launches a needle at her, which brings her down, when she hits the ground, she starts to bleed out. Del Varis stabilizes her, the crowd is silent, the party heals Grankaros. Grankaros stands up, she praises the party and accepts the strength they have shown as proof of a superior argument. The crowd starts to clap and Merigold raises her sword. 
It is late-afternoon on the 34th day of Leranth 2517 AGF

Rewards Granted

The party is level 16

Missions/Quests Completed

Convinced the giants to stop following Nadranth

Character(s) interacted with

Grankaros (giant clan leader)
Report Date
04 May 2024


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