Quartz Material in Menorith | World Anvil
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You tell those long-bearded, half-witted, subterranean oozes that they have the ethics of a gelatinous cube and the intellect to match! We have told you time and time again to stop selling quartz in our realm, yet it's still making its way in. If you don't stop I will find a way, even if it means my dying breath, to collapse the entirety of your little coalition, your tunnels will become your grave! and let me tell you, I will ensure it's unmarked, nobody will know what lays under their feet.
 - Ilyana Reyna, Queen of Sostex. Diplomatic correspondence to the Primarch of the Oshon Coalition.


Physical & Chemical Properties

There are three different concentrations of quartz: Light (+1), Medium (+2), Heavy (+3).
Light concentrations can be used once without succumbing to its mind altering affects or risking addiction, two weeks (according to the Menorith Calendar must pass to safely use it again at a light dose. Medium and heavy doses are an immediate risk to addiction. The following is a table to illustrate the addiction mechanic.
Concentration Constitution saving throw DC Time addicted Notes
Light (+1) 12 + (Mod bonus) 2 weeks DC not needed if it hasn't been consumed within 2 weeks
Medium (+2) 12 + (Mod bonus) 3 weeks
Heavy (+3) 12 + (Mod bonus) 4 weeks

The first time a saving throw is needed the equations remains unchanged, if consumed again within a 2 week period double the mod bonus for the saving throw, if consumed again in the same period then triple it, again quadruple it, etc.

Addiction Besides the effects listed in hazards further below, the mechanical effects are this. Once addicted the individual must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC is the same as in the table) to fight the urge to consume more quartz, if successful then the individual won't try to consume Quartz that day. If the individual fails then they can either try to consume Quartz within 2 hours or gain a level of exhaustion. The level of exhaustion can be undone by any normal means. The individual gains advantage on the Wisdom saving throw after half the time addicted has passed in game of not consuming Quartz.

Quartz adds it's mod bonus to spell attacks and spell saves, it also heightens the damage die.
Damage die Light (+1) Medium (+2) Heavy (+3)
D6 D8 D10 D12

Once at D12 an extra damage die is added for each mod bonus over a D12. The effects last for an hour and takes an action to consume.

Origin & Source

Usually found in mines below the surface.

History & Usage


In the fledgling years of the Oshon Coalitions the trade of Quartz proved to be very lucrative, providing much needed income to their coffers. Magic users of all kind wanted it, but as time went on people started to notice its negative properties, but the Oshon coalition insisted that it was just isolated incidents (Bad batch, used haphazardly, been tampered with). Things finally came to a boiling point with the kingdom of Sostex around 1127 AGF, they started a naval campaign that targeted any vessel or depot that was believed to have been involved the distribution, 3rd parties started to get dragged in as the realization of how deep the trade went started to come to light.


first found and mined in the early period of 500 AGF in the Dwarvish lands that would later become the Oshon Coalition. It's potential wouldn't be realized for a few hundred years.

Everyday use

Quartz is able to heighten the magical abilities (whether learned or innately known) then what they could achieve naturally, overpowering an opponents experience and technique with raw, unbridled magical force.


The mineral is mined from from underground quarries, airway protection is a must, while any race can theoretically perform the initial excavation Dwarves are best suited to the job as their beard provides natural protection as a barrier and the micro ecosystem that lives in their beards that deal with outside contamination.


In controlled quantities Quartz is manageable, but only good when the situation demands it, if used more then once (or twice given enough time in between) the user will start down an addictive path. As greater amounts accumulate in the user's body their cognitive abilities start to decline, this can manifest in many ways: Forgetfulness, loss of fine motor control, paranoia, emotional outbursts, delusions.


Trade & Market

In modern times the sale and possession of Quartz is highly regulated, Scientific academies will have it for research purposes, but if it's found outside those confines chances are it's there illegally. An individual can get ahold of it through less then upstanding channels, sometimes unwittingly as some black market consumables might be laced with it to enhance it's abilities and potentially trick a costumer (Such as selling a potion of healing as a potion of greater healing, it'll do the job, just with a surprise).
usually a form of red, the deeper the color then the more potent it is.
Common State
Solid (Dust when refined)


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