Kingdom on the Brink - Session 29 Report in Menorith | World Anvil
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Kingdom on the Brink - Session 29

General Summary

The party wakes up and heads out to the city gates, on the way the party stocks up on horses and traveling supplies. The party makes it to the gate, Ashara notices some of the guards are very alert, and she begins to make small talk with one. The party begins to cross when Hendred and Runsha notice some bodies in the moat, and yell out to the group. The Warlock attempts to banish Ashara but she resists, Oneiro uses his rod of magic missiles on the Warlock and then moves to take cover. Runsha casts shield of faith on himself and charges the champion with his horse and tramples him. The Enchanter moves across the battlements and launches a fireball at Hendred and Stormsong, they manage to evade it but their horses do not. Ashara lights her Flame Tongue and strikes at the Dirty Fighter, the Dirty Fighter dodges some of the attack, the Champion moves to flank Ashara and only lands one attack (due to Ashara casting shield). The Dirty Fighter works in conjunction with the Champion in attacking Ashara, Hendred stabilizes her horse and moves under the gatehouse, Stormsong levitates herself using her boots and casts a firebolt at the Enchanter. The Warlock gets line of sight on Stormsong and launches scorching rays at her, but she barely gets singed. Oneiro launches a chromatic orb at the Champion and Runsha follows up with a his horse trampling the Champion and striking with his warhammer, then he attempts to shove him with his shield (but the champion manages to save). The Enchanter attempts to hit Stormsong with a magic missile but is thwarted with a shield spell, Ashara crits against the Dirty Fighter but part of it is dodged. The Champion recovers part of his strength and continues his assault on Ashara in conjunction with the dirty fighter, Hendred closes the distance and attempts to attack the champion but misses, she then summons her spiritual weapon against the dirty fighter. Stormsong rises further into the air and casts more firebolts from above on the Enchanter, the Warlock sees this and casts Feeblemind on Stormsong, which she fails against and is unable to cast spells and descends to the ground. Oneiro kills the Dirty Fighter and begins to focus on the Champion with Ashara, Runsha, and Hendred, Champion focuses on Runsha and downs his horse and tries to strike Runsha. The Warlock sees that the battle is turning against him and yells that the party has interfered again in their plans, and planes shift away. The Enchanter turns invisible and flees, The party focuses on the Champion (including the feebleminded Stormsong) and finishes the fight. 

The group splits up and Del Varis, Runsha, and Stormsong go towards the nearest chapel to try and get her condition removed. Ashara, Hendred, and Oneiro stay at the gatehouse and search the area, they find a note that says to secure the gates and make sure nobody leaves while a group heads toward the clocktower. Ashara blows one of the guard's whistles to try and get help and Oneiro does the same with the bell, Ashara then sends Oneiro to the mercenary camp to get help. Runsha, Del Varis, and Stormsong reach the chapel (the streets were deserted). Inside they find some injured, Runsha makes for the cleric explains their companion needs help. The cleric says that he's been getting similar reports of attacks from the injured and that the party is doing better then most if they all survived. The cleric also mentioned that he's been told that giant magical walls had appeared, blocking off the way into the plaza where the elections were being held. Runsha asks for help in healing Stormsong, the cleric figures the city could use any help it can get and goes to get some needed supplies. While they wait, Runsha and Del Varis heal a dozen of the worst injured, the cleric comes back and finds Stormsong drooling over a golden chalice. He casts greater restoration on Stormsong and she recovers, slowly handing the chalice back to the cleric, they head back to the gatehouse. Oneiro makes it to the mercenary camp and tells them to arm themselves because the city is in danger, they seem skeptical but they send two with Oneiro to see what's going on. The group reunites at the gatehouse and they compile all the information they have, the mercenaries realize that if the election is under attack then the participants have no way to defend themselves since no weapons or focuses are allowed in the vicinity of the plaza. The group decides to head towards the clocktower and the mercenaries go back to get everyone from the camp.
The party closes in on the clocktower and sees ten people start to walk out of it, the group hides, Runsha looks at them for a little while and realizes that they under a mass suggestion spell. The ten people continue to walk away, as if there's nothing happening, the party looks for the easiest way into the tower with Oneiro flying around the base. The group enters through a set of doors and find themselves against a Enchanter and Gladiator. The Gladiator smashes an orb and a Bone Devil appears, the Devil then moves to attack Del Varis, Runsha, and Stormsong but is only able to hit Stormsong. Ashara moves around the Bone Devil and launches a javelin, it deflects off the Bone Devil but causes enough damage to interfere with the Bone Devils attacks (Ancestral guardians giving it disadvantage). Runsha bolsters his defenses and uses his mace of disruption on the Bone Devil, in two strikes Runsha hits the devil with pillars of radiant energy, greatly weakening it. Oneiro covers Hendred with arrows while she moves up, the Bone Devil takes a swipe at her but is hindered by Ashara's ancestral guardians. Hendred throws a handaxe at the Gladiator and summons her spiritual weapon for another strike, the gladiator responds by knocking Hendred down with his shield and following up with several spear strikes. The Enchanter launches a fireball at Runsha, Stormsong, and Del Varis and the Bone Devil tries to follow up but is still hindered by the ancestral guardians. Ashara attacks the gladiator and then runs towards the retreating Enchanter, missing a shield bash from the gladiator. Oneiro moves to get in range of the Enchanter, Runsha finishes off the Bone Devil and moves up with Stormsong and Del varis to to assist Hendred in finishing off the Gladiator. The Enchantor lets off two volleys of magic missiles, one at Oneiro and one at Ashara, Hendred runs up and fires a guiding bolt but misses. Ashara moves to block the Enchanter and Oneiro finally finishes her off. The party quickly heals up and begins to head up the tower.

The party heads up the tower and see someone fall down the shaft, hearing someone yell "I will kill any who stand in my way!" The group makes it to causeway and see Salwor (a disk with a mechanical device if floating beside him) facing a fiend and 2 fighters, there's several corpses in the area. Ashara moves up and is met by the War Priest, who fumbles striking her with his maul. Oneiro takes to the sky and begins to cover the group, Runsha, Del Varis, and Hendred move up as Stormsong stays in the back shooting off some firebolts. Salwor drinks a potion and flies off to one of the gears of the causeway and the fiend casts fly and follows after him. The Champion is able to land several hard strikes on Ashara but Runsha closes in and joins the melee. Ashara returns the Champions blows with some of her own. The War Priest casts shield of faith on the Champion and goes to attack Ashara once again. Salwor positions himself and takes out a scroll, summoning forth a lightning bolt that hits the fiend and Champion. Stormsong moves up and has her cat move up behind the War Priest and casts inflict wounds through her cat, Oneiro fires off a volley into the fiend and banishes it for a turn. Hendred hits the Champion with her warhammer and heals Ashara, this causes the Champion to focus on Hendred and downs her, Del Varis moves up and distracts the Champion and heals Hendred. Ashara has an opening to continue to attack the champion, the War Priest is pissed off at the cat and smashes it with his maul and then attack Ashara. the fiend reappears but Salwor puts it a maze and flies towards the group. The group kills the Champion and then quickly overwhelms the War Priest, Salwor fabricates one of the metal gears into dust and when the fiend returns from the maze it falls several hundred feet. The party takes a moment to patch up and Salwor fills them in on what needs to happen. They continue on.
 The party gets to the top of the clocktower, Ullisa Ulanan is there, the sight of the party infuriates her. She moves closer to some corpses and casts animate dead on one creating a zombie, the Conjurer moves off to the side and summons a water elemental and the fiend moves up closer to the party. Ashara, Runsha, and Del Varis move up using the center column as cover and Oneiro flies into the air to attack the fiend and hendred throws a Handaxe but it misses. Salwor casts ice storm and manages to disrupt the conjurers concentration, causing the elemental to disappear. Ashara closes in against the fiend and slashes several times with her flame tongue, the fire damage seems less effective. Allisa moves and picks a point in the center of the party, a wave of negative energy ripples from that point, causing severe necrotic damage to the entirety of the group. Runsha, Hendred, Ashara focus on the fiend as Oneiro fires volley after volley into Allisa which kills her, Stormsong sends her cat next to the fiend and casts inflict wounds through it on the fiend. The conjurer attempts to move around the side but Del Varis cuts him off and kills him, the fiend focuses on Ashara and manages to land several blows. Salwor flies over to the center mechanism and begins to work on it, the fiend refuses to go down easily and uses it's stench to poison Ashara and continues to fight. After a moment Ashara overcomes the stench and her and Runsha are able to down the fiend. The party looks out the window and sees the plaza, it appears a type of summoning ritual is underway, the group hears Salwor cursing and they see him open a pocket watch and look at it then he puts it back and he reaches in and magical energy starts to flow through him and his life begins to leave him. The party climbs up and use whatever resources they have to ensure Salwor doesn't die, after 30 seconds the energy stops and Salwor thanks the party and limps to the side of the device. He presses some gems and a loud noise can be a heard, a beam of magical energy shoots out towards one of the prismatic walls, dissipating it and leaving a small crater around it. The party looks out and sees thousands of mercenaries flood into the plaza, handing off extra weapons and focuses to the people inside. Salwor sits next to the glass and catches his breathe, Ashara hugs him and Del Varis apologizes for punching him earlier (Kingdom on the brink - session 24), Salwor thanks him but says Nevel wasn't wrong about him, he's let his ambition get the better of him for awhile now. Ashara asks if Salwor had a potion of flying left, which he hands over to her, she drinks it and takes Runsha and Oneiro to fight the cultists. Under the combined strength of the party and the mercenaries the group cuts down the remaining cultists, Ashara during the fight sacrifices herself (causing the citizens to fight more fiercely). Salwor begins to walk out of the clocktower when Del Varis asks if he has a brooch of shielding to purchase, which Salwor does. Stormsong accompanies Salwor and Del Varis stays to watch the last of the fighting from the clocktower.
It is early afternoon of the 29th day of Kyzet

Rewards Granted

Level 9
100 GP

Character(s) interacted with

Salwor Wildcloak
Report Date
05 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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