Thortyr Organization in Mellanvärlden | World Anvil
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The grand descendant of the Empire, a nation secluded and isolated from the world.


  The Northern Kingdom of Människar, secluded in the almost eternal winter of the hostile north. Thortyr is a implacable and mistrusting nation located north of the Guardian Range and south of the Frozen Peak Mountains.  


After the rebelling of  Treria in 300 EE and the following independence of Snadov in the year 330, the fall of The Engelian Empire was inevitable and the nation got split in several autonomous provinces. However, it didn't take long before these settlements and states decided to band together once more, given they all considered and were indeed true descendants of Engelia, and a new nation arose from the the remains of the decadent empire, Thortyr, a much more authoritarian and xenophobic kingdom.
Unlike the empire, which was a republic and it's emperors were chosen by the vote of a large council elected by the people, Thortyr choose a much more dictatorial government, in which  The Order was put as the highest and most important organization of the nation, and the rulers would have not only to be part of the institution, but also elected by it.
Since it's foundation, the kingdom isolated itself and avoided engaging in diplomacy with most, if not all of the other nations. However, despite the fall of the empire, Thortyr still inherited the martial prowess of it's predecessor, possessing the most skilled and capable soldiers in all of  Mellanvärlden, as most undergo and incredibly harsh training during a good deal of their lives, along with their natural physical advantage over most others. This became evident when, in 990 EE, Sargon, Arch Priest of Arialor launched an invasion against Thortyr, in an attempt to expand his dominions, but it was an utter failure, despite the employment of good tactics by the religious kingdom, for the armies of Thortyr were simply implacable and unforgiving. This short war resulted in the death of over 40 thousand people, with only 3 thousand belonging to Thortyr, and such massacre proved to the rest of the continent that the secluded kingdom were not to be messed with. Another notorious, although older attempt agaisnt Thortyr was made by the Trerians at around 780 EE, which also proved to be a mistake, and the pillagers were utterly defeated by the Knights of Winter in the fabled Carnage of Morgräd.


The Thortyans make themselves very proud of their descendancy from Engelia and believe themselves to be the strongest and superior people in Mellanvärlden. Although some are concerned with their authoritarian government and long for more freedom, the people rarely protest or show discontentment, for the state excels in doing the job of protecting the people. A good deal of the Thortyans long for the day the kingdom will awaken from it's seclusion and restore the glory of Engelia.

Public Agenda

Thortyr's public agenda is the maintenance of it's structure and the safety of it's dominions, excelling at meeting them. Moreover, The Order is very concerned with the status-quo of the realm and does not allow magical and supernatural threats to get out of control, and so, the kigndom has several spies across the world, attentive to any deviations and anomalies concerning magic. A great example of this was the defeat of The Shadows of Exodus in 1000 EE by Thortyan Mutes, believed to be the strongest warriors in the world.


Thortyr is renowned for the impenetrable walls and fortifications of their settlements, capable of not only withstanding the harsh weather and the dangers that lurk in the dark, but also the ability to repeal almost any invading army.

Demography and Population

Thortyr is the largest of the kingdoms and also the most populous, with over 7 million people under it's domains.

Out of Darkness we bring Order

The Carnage of Morgräd, Treria's biggest defeat in history.
Founding Date
371 EE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Silver and Bronze Engelian Kronas
Executive Body
The Executive, Legislative and Judicial bodies are all concentrated in the power of The Order, as the organization has supreme rule over the large nation. However, judges, prefects and mayors don't necessarily have to belong to the institution, but must be elected and appointed by it.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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