The Anomaly Species in Megastructure | World Anvil
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The Anomaly

With their self-given name unknown due to the continued inability to establish communications with them, the only known species to feature biochemistry not based on water as a solvent has simply become known as "The Anomaly".   There have only been a handful of encounter with their spaceships, and it is not clear where their homeworld is located.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Based on scans of Anomaly vessels, it has been determined that the species seems to live in a 222K (-51°C) oxygen and carbon dioxide atmosphere with high concentrations of ammonia vapor. Water, typically detected in significant amounts in crewed ships, has not only been detected in trace quantities. It is assumed that they are unable to survive in UDSA standard environmental conditions.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Anomaly ships seem to be slightly more advanced than those of the UDSA. Besides externally obvious systems such as propulsion, hull construction, weapons and shields, not much is known about their overall technology level.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There have only been few encounters with Anomaly ships, and all of them have been hostile to some degree. Attempts at communication using various known methods are not reciprocated, and while they do not attack other ships on sight repeated attempts at communication seem to provoke aggression.

Articles under The Anomaly

Cover image: by Zhuriel


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