The Su'daran Ethnicity in Meaghana | World Anvil
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The Su'daran

In the year 598 (AC) of the 2nd age, Benelin Nimblefingers lead his gnomish fellows to the eastern lands of Lerias to establish his Gnomish Protectorate. While many thought these lands were uninhabited, the people of the west were not aware of the race of men that lived in the lands claimed by the gnomes.     These unfortunate souls were but a small civilization that was quickly conquered by the gnomes and forced into servitude building their new country. The gnomes took great pains to eradicate their culture in an attempt to prevent potential revolts. However, these people had faced conquerors through much of their history and were skilled at preserving their lore and history in story. This allowed the people, who came to be known as the Su’daran, to have their culture survive to the end of the second age and the coming of the Great War.   Many of the Su’daran were driven before the Gnomish forces as battle fodder, but the chaos of the early days of the Great War allowed some of the Su’daran to escape into the wilderness. Literally decimated, the Su’daran have had great difficulty in building a home for themselves in the abandoned east. Of particular difficulty was the predations of the forces of Darkport in the 3rd Age. To avoid the forces of Omadon, the Su’daran turned to the skills of their former masters to provide them the power to even the odds.   Su’daran craftsmen have learned and refined the Gnomish invention of Smokepower. Their Gunslingers protect the few strongholds the Su’daran have been able to construct in the 3rd Age. The final pillar of the Su’daran culture is the faith of their ancient God, Coronal. The Su’daran are descendants of the original worshippers of Coronal in the first age and their spoken history maintained their worship of the God of War even past the God’s death during the purge. While the Su’daran priests of Coronal do not receive power from their worship like the followers of the other Gods, they maintain the faith that their god will one day return to them and usher in a golden age for the Su’daran people.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Su’daran worship Coronal as their only god. Recognizing him by his symbol of the Boar head before two crossed spears, Coronal is a god of battle but he is not concerned with valor and honor in war. Coronal’s struggles are seen as more personal and concerns himself with individual conflicts than the mass movement of troops. Coronal is seen as a god of resourcefulness and tenacity. To followers of Coronal facing overwhelming odds for the sake of honor is foolish, and those that live to fight again and again will ultimately be victorious. Coronal is also seen as a savage defender of home and family, willing to do anything to protect the Su’daran.

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