U.N.I.O.N. Organization in Mayhem-Earth | World Anvil
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The United Nations Irregular Operations Network, better known as U.N.I.O.N. was formed in 2008 by tech billionaire Robin Markovic to monitor and neutralize super powerful threats to Earth.
  He recruited Betsy Bullard, formerly of the Supervillain Assault Specialty Squad, to head the new organization.
  U.N.I.O.N. Alpha Base is the location of former Larson Air Force Base in Washington State. They also maintain bases and teams around the globe. This has put them in contact with some of the most powerful heroes and villains the world has seen.
  While it relates to the larger United Nations, Markovic uses his wealth to fund the network and keep it out of bureaucratic control. This of course has earned him the ire of some in the international community.


Director - Betsy Bullard
Deputy Director - Zachary Ramos
Division Directors - Frank Dunlap, Lidia Alvarado
Senior Agents - Kevin Lewis 
Agents - Alan Rickard

Public Agenda

To foster a stronger community between humans and post-humans or supernatural beings


Maintains seven global bases:
Alpha Base - Moses Lake, Washington
Bravo Base - Kingman, Kansas
Charlie Base - Munich, Germany
Echo Base - Riverside City, Connecticut
Foxtrot Base - Cairo, Egypt
Golf Base - Kowloon City, Hong Kong
India Base - Panama City, Panama
  Each base maintains a complement of agents, Vulture Class VTOL aircraft, vehicles, and research facilities.
  Besides this, the organization also maintains a number of field offices in locations including Washington, D.C., Tokyo, Mumbai, and Highwind City.

Fortior Simul

Founding Date
September 2008
Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names
United Nations Irregular Operations Network
Controlled Territories


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