Aurelian Elf Species in Mayhaos | World Anvil
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Aurelian Elf

An ancient people who once lived beneath the seas, the blue-skinned Aurelian Elves were forced onto land by eldritch horrors, but there would build the greatest empire since the time where all the elven species were once united. Though the Aurelian Empire was convinced by their new patron god Cicero to separate into a series of separate city states, the respected and proud Aurelian Elves are still looked to as the curators of history and glory in the world.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Childhood and Adolescence: 0-15 years Early Adulthood: 15-70 years Prime Adulthood: 70-300 years Middle Age: 300-500 years Old Age: 500-700 years Ancient: 700+ years


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