Bone Forest Cannibals Organization in Maverot | World Anvil
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Bone Forest Cannibals

Even when light shined on Maverot and some semblance of goodness remained, the druids of the Kossenwoods were chillingly twisted ideologues whose bloodstained rituals shocked even the jaded sensibilities of other Maverotians. Driven from organized society, these fanatics found shelter in the shade of the of the massive trees of the unsettled east.   Though members from all civilizations found their way into their ranks, the strange order was especially attractive to rogue Dixialba. In time, most of the druids in the Kossenwoods possessed fey bloodlines and manifested characteristics of the flying Elanni. Though half-fey Dixialba are usually not capable of extended flight, the widespread ability to fly or glide for limited amounts of time lead most druids to adopt an arboreal lifestyle. Travelers to the woods were few to begin with, and fewer still ever caught a glimpse of the elusive druids, high in their treetops.   Just as well they were rarely seen; though not immediately hostile to outsiders, the druids of Kossenwoods were nevertheless driven from civilization for a reason. These were people given over to the worship of evil for its own sake. Among their blasphemous rituals was the capture and consumption of the Cystrisen, a practice intended to partake of and concentrate the evil of those creatures within themselves. In the latter days of Maverot there existed druids who had consumed so many Cystrisen that they were scarcely Elanni anymore. These walking manifestations of evil were horridly cruel and depraved beyond comprehension.   After the Starvation, roughly 700 of the druids remained in the Kossenwoods - now called the Bone Forest - but were so degenerate that most were little more than cunningly sadistic animals, murdering and eating any flesh they found. Commanded by the relatively small number of druids still possessing some echo of sanity, the Bone Forest Cannibals hunted travelers to and from Northgate City while it still stood, and now haunt the northern Trade Guild routes looking for victims. They worship the Three Hunters as brutal and capricious gods, leaving them offerings of animals, kidnapped travelers, and their own dismembered body parts, removed while wildshaped as a special form of tribute.   Despite their vile society, the Bone Forest Cannibals can be negotiated with to an extent. They have a limited desire for trade and can be enticed with potions, drugs, and food. Take care, however, for their most prominent desires are always to hunt and eat flesh and to sacrifice innocents to the Three Hunters.
Druidic Circle

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