Massaolo Destruction of Begidish

Destruction of Begidish

Military action

30 S.E.

Kosva invaders raise the elven city of Begidish to the ground, salt the earth, and slaughter all of the inhabitants. This is considered by many to be the start of the Great Invasions.

The Kosva were one of the largest human societies at the time and were known for their courage and fierce combat abilities, both against elves and against their fellow men. During a solar Eclipse when the elves were unable to use their magics, the Kosva descended on the city and slaughtered its inhabitants. The timing of the solar eclipse, the recently ended Great Rot, and the fanaticism of the attackers led many to believe that the attack was the will of the gods and that the time of elven rule over the world was over, prompting other strong human societies to invade as well.

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