Svendrir Smoke-sheild

Svendrir Smoke-Sheild

"If not man, the gods will use the stones themselves to unseat the elves ."
  Svendrir the younger, more famously known as Svendrir Smoke-Shield, was a Domi commander during the Domi invasion of Kedizlim at the close of the Serene Era. He is famous for aiding in the initial landings at Tharsa and for founding House Drefreer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about Svendrir's early life as he died decades before the adoption of the Demian writing system. He was evidently sufficiently renowned before the invasions to warrant being given a commanding position. Legends disagree on how highly ranked he was, with some saying he commanded only his own ship and others reporting that he commanded up to a dozen. Regardless, all legends point to Svendrir being instrumental in the initial Domi landings at Tharsa. The most popular legend claims that the elves used their magics to create gale force winds to keep the Domi ships from landing. Svendrir landed with his men over fifty miles south of Tharsa, marched them to the outskirts of the city, and set the surrounding forests alight. The smoke from the forest fire blocked the sun, weakening the elves magic and allowing the Domi to land. The factuality of the legend is debated but this is where Svendrir earned the name "Smoke-Sheild." By the end of the Invasions Svendrir was one of Birka's most trusted generals. After the Invasions ended, Svendrir was given the lands of Fardn as Birka only entrusted him with the security of The Grey Pass.

Intellectual Characteristics

Svendrir was cunning and clever and was by all accounts a competent ruler in his later life.


Religious Views

Despite answering Raya's call to purge the lands of Demia from elves, Svendrir was known to revere Alka above the other gods and goddesses.
A carving of Svendrir
65 S.E. 24 L.E. 89 years old
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Character Portrait image: by Jordo_707


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