Kechin Species in Massaolo | World Anvil


"Kechins are the only beasts that the Seluj could use in their mountainous cities, horses simply couldn't handle the elevation."~Exotic Civilizations
Kechins are large goat-like creatures that are used by the Seluj for transportation and light hauling. Their importance to Seluj culture is hard to overstate; they provide them with communication across the entirety of their home Kehir mountain range as well as providing milk and furs. Kechins are uniquely known for their loyalty and while not fighting animals, are known to give their lives for their masters and even become depressed if their owner is separated from them. Because of this, they are seen as the most important of all animals in Seluj culture.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kechins are grazing animals that primarily live off of the grass that is abundant in the southern foothills of the Kehir mountains. They have been domesticated to be able to graze while mounted and will often be completely defenseless when eating, trusting their master to warn them of any danger.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Kechins are primarily used as mounts and light pack animals by the Seluj peoples of the Kehir mountains due to their strength and ability to survive and navigate the treacherous slopes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kechins are found primarily in the Kehir mountain range.

Average Intelligence

Kechins are known to be relatively intelligent creatures, able to remember long routes and to continue on journeys without a human directing their path. They are also known to be loyal creatures and have been known to sacrifice their lives for their master's.
21 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
2 meters at the shoulder
Average Weight
400 kgs
Average Length
2.5 meters
Average Physique
Kechins appear quite stocky but in reality are relatively slim, with most of their apparent bulk being made up of their thick fur. They are agile for creatures of their size and are able to travel up seemingly impossible cliff faces even when carrying a person or supplies.


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