Issue 1: Paper chase Report in Masks: The Wandering City | World Anvil

Issue 1: Paper chase

General Summary

Our heroes, the New Guardians, found themselves embattled with books! The streets of the city were flooded with screams as a stream of civilians with books closed over their heads attacked them, backed by a giant paper golem. The Librarian was attacking again, once more attempting to bring the world of fiction to life on the streets of Gateway City. In the skies above, a giant portal had opened and the Legendary Union of Heroes fought her directly, relying on the Guardians and the Junior Union to control the chaos on the ground.   Kawaru rushed into battle, charging the paper giant, only to be smacked down directly into Valour. Typhon struggled against the citizens, unwilling to do them harm. Valour called forth his mighty steed Heathcliffe, but it was tripped up by the paper weapons of the crowd. Typhon stepped forth to defend the feline warrior, only to be entangled into the crowd once again.   But the battle turned! Typhon quickly put two and two together, knowing the Librarian used her mystic magic to channel through things like the golem. Kawaru rose again to rip the arm from the creature and Typhon broke free of the crowd using her jumpjets, smashing the golem to pieces.   Danger X showed up briefly to razz the team, stating that his team had cleared three times the number in a shorter time.   But in the skies above, the Union pushed forth to victory as. Silver Star and Ghostkeeper rode a spirit dragon to challenge the Librarians own beast. The fight ended as Hierophant burst forth with the villian in his hands, separating her from the tome she used to assault the city.   Congratulations were had all around, with lots of high fives and kind words. Heirophant stuck around for a few photos before flying off to deposit the villian in the superprison known as The Well under the Hall of Legends. The Crystal Conjuress praised the team, then shooed them away.   Afterwards, the team changed into their civies retreated to their favorite watering home, The Third Rail. Typhon tried to get a beer from Slade , but settled for a root beer.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Librarian's minions were defeated!

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Gateway City New Guardians The Third Rail Downtown Gateway City Spire
Report Date
15 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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