Session Zero in Marvel Earth 2222 | World Anvil

Session Zero

Expectations will vary with each campaign. The game is intended to host nearly any flavor of story that has appeared in superhero themed comics. Each campaign will start with us discussing some topics in an attempt to line up everyone's presumptions going into the game. Session Zero is a constantly evolving process for me. Please share if you have any input on this process.   What to Play? We will discuss what stories we wish to pursue, game systems which work well for those stories, and any changes we would like to see implemented. The default system I use for the setting is Mutants & Masterminds third edition. That might changed from campaign to campaign.   Campaign Length How long do we want the campaign to run? Campaigns can be strung together. The GM typically will look for anywhere from four to twelve sessions with the option to start a new campaign with the same characters after that if everyone wants to do that if not running a one shot.   Ground Rules This is us working together to figure out what codes of behavior we expect from each other. This will include topics such as language, tardiness, out of character player conflicts, triggering situations, and rules disagreements. I have defaulted to using X-Card when running a game with anybody I do not already know.   What Do We Want? Much of this will be a discussion of influences for the campaign. There will be a list of media provided to help set the tone of a campaign. Sometimes the GM will provide this list, but oftentimes it is generated by the other players. Nobody has to consume any of the media. It is primarily a tool for the GM to use as a touchstone for the series. Influences are not limited to superhero themed media. It is nice to get an idea of a player's favorite fictional character or setting.   Focus Location What place and time in the Marvel Universe would we like the campaign to focus on?   Lethality How difficult is it to kill a player character? When a player character attacks an NPC is the default to kill, maim, or subdue?   Relations with the Authorities Is the party allied, indifferent, or hunted by the authorities?   Trustworthiness Some of this will be determined by figuring out if and how the player characters know each other before play starts. Does the party keep their identities secret from each other assuming a character has a secret identity? Do the party members treat each other with suspicion? Are there any NPCs or organizations the players would like to start out trusting their character or the group?   Character Conflict What are the players' general feelings toward conflict between player characters? When the occur what should be our default means of handling the conflict?   Negotiations Under what conditions would the party be willing to negotiate with an enemy?   Captures Capture is a common trope in the superhero drama. We will discuss capture so the GM can get an idea for how the players feel about their characters being captured.   Who is Playing What? The players should communicate about what sort of roles and specializations (along with powers) they might want for their characters. Do some of the player characters know each other or want to share a connection to the same NPC?   Communication What is the primary means for players to communicate with each other? Where can we share stories that occur between sessions?   When We Play, Where We Play, and Tools We will set up play dates and times. Tools depend on if we are playing online or offline. World Anvil will be a reference tool open to the players. We will settle on a rule set. Tools I typically use for online play are Roll20 and Discord. We will likely default to those unless somebody has a different tool they prefer.   Backgrounds Backgrounds are welcome. If nothing else, I would like a list of archetypes for NPCs the character may know or are important in the character's life and locations where the character has spent a significant amount of time. Names are great if you want to provide some, but I can do that. Please, feel free to ask me questions about the setting if you want more information to integrate into the background. Your background is part of the story. It is a chance to influence the world before we begin actual play.   Complications and Descriptors This is written with Mutants & Masterminds third edition in mind. I want at least two complications for every player character. I request starting characters have no more than five. Complications are a good way to communicate what sort of story beats you are interested in for your character.   I like for all powers to have at least one Descriptors This is typically an origin or source descriptor. For offensive powers I like a second descriptor describing the type of effect. For example, I consider Unarmed attacks to be a Bludgeoning effect by default with either Natural or Training for origin/source.   Feedback The game will change over time. I will attempt to adjust the game to your needs. Please feel free to talk to me about anything. We can retool things if required, but I can only do that if I am aware that such a need exists.


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