Session 2: Rock Fondlers Report in Marsedon | World Anvil
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Session 2: Rock Fondlers

General Summary

After the shock of setting off the trap, Rahndi fell very sleepy and took a nap clinging to Skunk's back.   While Andreaea and Suada were investigating the trap, Skunk very cautiously entered the room. He threateningly advanced towards one of the chests before poking it with his shovel. Satisfied, he approached the second in a similar manner, warning it of its fate. As he poked this one, his shovel stuck to its surface, and it revealed itself as a voracious mimic. It attacked and swallowed Skunk, much to Suada's horror. Perturbed by the commotion, Andreaea interrupted the Mending spell they were casting on a tool they had broken while tending the dart trap, and wandered over to see what was going on.   Skunk managed to burst free of the mimic and land a devastating counterattack. Suada and Skunk together made short work of the mimic, sending giblets of ooze and tiny teeth all over the room. One blob of goo landed in the statue's right hand and was instantly crushed. Intrigued, Skunk attempted to juice an orange in the statue's hand, but the force caused orange juice to squirt all over the room, completely missing her mouth. She opened the other chest, found 120 gold coins, tossed one in the statue's hand, which once more destroyed it. The party decided to come back and solve this puzzle after exploring more of the floor.   They entered a room with friezes carved into all the walls and gems set into the carvings. Andreaea infused five mimic teeth with light and set them around the room to see colour. There was a blue gem in hills, a yellow gem in an ocean, a white gem in a skull, a black gem in between a hammer and anvil, and a green gem in a crack engraved with a cloud of flies escaping it. Skunk popped out the green and black gems and noted they couldn't be slotted into each other's spots. Suada took out the blue gem and triggered a mechanism causing the floor to collapse. She managed to leap back into the hallway, but Skunk missed the jump. Fortunately, Andreaea cast Web catching them and the floor tiles. Suada pulled Skunk free and Andreaea quaffed a Potion of Flight, allowing them to take out the other gems. The blue gem tumbled to the floor below with the flagstone as the Web was released, but the white and yellow gems were both retrieved, and both seemed to have the same triggering mechanism as the blue gem (which the green and black gems lacked).   Andreaea floated to the room below, around 30 feet down, while Skunk and Suada rappelled down. They found themselves in a large round room with walled covered in runes and huge scratch marks. Out of the three available archways (west, south, and east), they choose east. They found a room with a large statue with agate eyes. When they took the eyes out it emitted an ear-piercing scream, so they decided to leave the eyes in. Through some locked doors they found a small study with a scroll with some cryptic prose and a catalogue of volumes journaling the misdeeds of various townsfolk.    The next room they entered contained a podium facing a large iron door with a closed eye, two ears, and a message reading "Your secrets must not remain hidden". When they stood on the podium, the eye opened. Suada and Skunk both told minor secrets that seemed to get minimal reaction from the door. When Skunk and Andreaea told bigger secrets, the door made some mechanical sounds, but Suada was still unable to open the door. Suada told her deepest secret as well, and again got the door to make mechanical noises.

Rewards Granted

120 gp
Report Date
09 Aug 2021
Primary Location

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