Psychometry Spell in Mark of Power | World Anvil


Psychometry is a unquie and rare gift that a few people possess. Those that do have it can see, experience, and feel things related to past events and people by touching inanimate objects that are associated with them.


When someone who has the gift of Psychometry is using their gift they will experience past events and emotions from the people who handled the object in the past. They can see how people have died and what they felt at that moment.   In cases of great focus by touching something in a room or the walls or the floor they can experience several events that happened in that.

Side/Secondary Effects

Sometimes when someone gifted with Psychometry lets go of the object that they were handling they may still experience some the emotions and thoughts of the pass. Depending on how strong the feel is it can take a while for it to sunside.


To those that are watching the person with the gift of Psychometry use the gift they may not see any manifestation of the gift being used. That is if they are not paying attention. For those that are they will see that the gifted's eyes are in the rapid eye movement phase of sleep. The gifted's emotional state may change rapidly from calm to any other emotion. When the gifted let's go of the object they may still be under the effects and emotions that they experienced.


The Guardians of the Peace believe that all Marks of Power and the powers around them are from Hasharas who is the chief god of their religion.   However many of the other peoples in the Galaxy worship The Balanced Ones which is a family of gods of Rimulan the Father and his two children. In this faith, the gift of Psychometry is a Destiny Mark that is given to people by Rimulan and the power is passed through bloodlines.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Material Components
All that someone gifted with this power needs to is to touch an item to see its past and feel emotions from those moments.
Applied Restriction
Those with this gift can limit their exposure to it by wearing gloves when handling things.


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