Taarua Character in Manarchy | World Anvil


Queen's Shield / Royal Warden Taarua

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Taarua has the biggest body frame of all pelagos next to the Queen. He is towering and endomorph, and more agile than his frame would suggest.

Body Features

His left pinky finger is partially amputated. He has fins on his back and behind his skull

Facial Features

A part of his lower jaw has a severe laceration mark on the left which part of the flesh can be visible. Taarua oints the wound regularly with a painkiller paste created by his brethren. His jaw protusion is larger than average.

Identifying Characteristics

Aside from his former injuries and towering height mentionned below, Taarua is way more battle-scared than any other pelagos, making him look like a barbarian king amonst librarian monks.

Apparel & Accessories

Taarua usual battle attire is made of a very large poisonous oval-shaped shell which he can use as either a piercing or bludgeoning weapon which connects on his left arm. His other weapon is a long coal branch shaped like a crude barbed lance, of ocean blue color. His coral lance is coming from a magical coral formation which does not decay, making it a durable and reliable weapon. He is also has consumable throwing bolas made of steam lizard heat cores that creates steaming hot clouds on breaking, either to make an ennemy suffer, liquify moderate ice structures or to reach an escape route.

Mental characteristics


Aside from a regular communal learning then a moderate military learning thereafter, Taarua went above and beyond had requested assistance from the seers to use divinatory measures and learn about the psychometry of the objects they found. Through several learning, he learned more martial stances and tactics by learning from these fragments of the past from the shipwrecked pirates.


Taarua worked as a Royal Guard since his initiation to Pelagos settlement life. Upon death of the former Royal Warden, Taarua was assigned the task.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vanquished Hitamamaha (Steam Drake) near the highest point of Man'gaihi Island. This feat allowed the Pelagos more ease of access through the volcano and it's various elements.

Failures & Embarrassments

Feels responsible for the death of his mentor during an exploration mission.

Mental Trauma

Because the formalities made his team stay away from his mentor that met it's demise later on, he wants to secure more the place by being more pro-active in scouting and expanding the possible areas his race can travel on the island before other entities takes the upper hand. That makes him a more aggressive and expansionist person drive by a felling it is the greater good.

Morality & Philosophy

Taarua is mostly opposed to the actual laissez-faire and isolated behaviour of the Pelagos to a certain degree. For him, his brethren does not benefit from staying too passive and recluded with the local fauna. Most of his mindset is affected by the death of his mentor which he partially put under his former conservative views he had ingrained since training. For him, the pelagos have a higher interest to be more daring in their exploring and should improve their knowledge of the land and how to pacify it, assuming the race will expand. And if it implies getting in more hostilities with predators around, it's a price he is willing to pay for the future. Taarua is very stubborn about this and is very hard to make it change his minds once he think he is right, even if the queen ask for him to be patient. It is not uncommon for him to go on 'personnal mission' if the council is working against his interest to provide more soldiers.

Personality Characteristics


Expand the pelagos area of exploitation to afford a safe and sane tribe expansion.
Secondly, the maintain of order and safeguard of Queen Tapu'awa.

Vices & Personality flaws

Taarua has a partial addiction to Arcanic quartz as it improves his physical performance on duty.
He is perfectly knowledgeable that overconsumption can lead to side effect and long term detriments, but his 'living in the now' mentality makes him disregard that problem.


Taarua is someone that smells work through hints of earth and sage frangrance he uses as meditation, but small smells of arcanic salt can be hinted.


Contacts & Relations

Queen Tapu'awa   The Seer Circle   The Pelagos Guards   Kopikopiko
Pelagos - High Warden Taarua by m0-huey
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
lime green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Coral blue and blood-orange spots
Quotes & Catchphrases
'Our life is like the water that flows here. If it becomes stagnant, it will corrupt, being changed by others to their whim like the vermin breeding in the bogs.'
Known Languages


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