Mail-Glider Profession in Manarchy | World Anvil


"Professional, affordable, safe !   Need a discreet mail to travel the seas ? Or simply a gift to send to a loved one ?   Our team of mail-gliders are here for all your communication needs ! Let our decades of experience speak for themselves!   Ask for our brochure at the nearby Mail Nest!"  
  • Poster ad
  • Career

    Career Progression

    Most of the time, the rankings of mail-gliders are rated by the complexity of their travels. Which can include natural (high winds corridors, long oversea gliding), supernatural and warfare hazards, to say the few.   The ranks are given by the Mail Nest Main Office towards completion of enough complex deliveries.   Mail gliders can accept contracts up to one category above their ranks or two ranks under. Rank varies from:
    1. Routine, short travel
    2. Moderate, medium length travels. light hazards.
    3. Long travels, or short travels with moderate dangers
    4. Always minimum of moderate dangers and hazards, often various. Noticeable risk of death
    5. Extreme danger and hazard. Only the most professional veterans can take those missions. Highest pay for highest risk of life and package security.
    Aside from ranks, there is also specialisations titles regarding the gliders:
    • Pigeon: among the fastest. can travel long distance and are also good at non-detection
    • Albatross: the enduring ones. Can travel long treks in hazardous zone. Especially long oversea deliveries
    • Raptor: the all-around elite. Perfect shape, excellent eyesight and fly mastery. Those often carry military protection. The raptors are sent on the most dangerous supernatural and warfare zones.

    Payment & Reimbursement

    Mail-gliders are paid by the Mail Nest Main Office, which takes care of the financial aspect (like receiving payment for their services).   For simplicity of light travel, and also to reduce bribery when possible, Gliders are forbidden to take extra payment (tip) or rewards from the mail receivers. However, it is a common courtesy to offer the Glider a meal for the day and the next to use later, and a place to rest when possible. Mail-Gliders can get a modest frequent pay by working on maintenance and other needs of the Main Office. But the contracts are considered extra "on-act" commissioned payment. Thus, the more the glider takes numerous and more complicated jobs, the richer he can become. High ranked veterans can also take a job in teaching when reaching around retirement from field work.

    Other Benefits

    Mail gliders are reknown as the most useful and prestigious job on particular species and races. Being less used at times because of the use of magic, normal posting methods are still used to reduce chances of important information being scryed through magic circuits.   Aside from financial payments, gliders are offered off days before coming back on longer deliveries, which can make those with wanderlust an opportunity to travel and discoveries various culture and civilisations.



    Mail-gliders are basically all-purpose deliverers using the air as a mean of transportation. Be it mudane gift delivery, or important war intel to transfer in less magical ways, mail-gliders offers various solutions toward communication.

    Social Status

    Due to the importance they can bring in critical information delivery, be it for political or military reasons, Mail-gliders are recknogised as important members of the society, especially those of higher rank.


    Some humanoids can be hired as Mail-gliders, but they are rare. Most of the profession's education is given around settlement having a Main Offices for ease of recruiting. Most mail-gliders are [in progress species], followed by humans.



    Mail-gliders equipment depends on the specie and type of traveling contracts. When doing oversea travels, they are equipped with a purifying mask and tank, which they use while doing water dives to collect sea water and purify it for consumption. Depending on the specifies, they also get equipped with a different kind of glider depending on their needs. Most of them come with painted wings simulating creatures glares to dissuade other flying prey to attack them. For balance, they are also provided with rollers for landing if need be.   All of them also get equipped with a telescope apparatus around on of their eyes to scout and analyse their surroundings. Also including a water-resistant pouch to carry courrier.
    The need of Mail-gliders varies depending on settlements usding them, but middle-class and higher-class are more prone to use their services since they specialise in high-distance works.

    Cover image: Cagilia, Mail-Glider by BCOG


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