Malkavia The Schism

The Schism

Political event


Distrust and hatred ran rampant.

Triggered by the death of Lynnara, the High Elves looked upon the drow with a new sense of disgust and distrust. The drow railed against these feelings with blunt anger for being blamed for a crime they had not committed. The Moon and Wood Elves slowly started to drift away from the city, finding their own places in the world where the politicking and power struggles would not be a part of everyday life.   The High Elves, convinced that their beloved King was in danger, began retraining themselves in the ways of combat, and Bladesingers who had fallen in popularity surged ahead in these newly re-founded beliefs. Corellan Letharian gradually showed his other side, that of preparation and war.   The Dark Elves were understandably concerned that their lives were about to go through a fundamental shift, and began to prepare themselves as well. The darker histories of their past began to resurface, aided by Lady Lolth and the now politically powerful Dremolar Nhilithan.   Small fights in the city began to occur, usually just fist fights between the High and Dark Elves to start, but eventually growing into larger demonstrations of power.

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The History of Malkavia