Gold Character in Malkavia | World Anvil


Pirate Lord (a.k.a. Scales)

"Oh aye, I heard he used to be a black scaled dragonborn, but his love for gold changed his scales!"

Himko the Gullible

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Has many piercings in his nose and lips. Wears many gold bangles on his arms. He is the type of person who wears his wealth for all to see.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gold grew up in Porteva in a small coastal town. Feeling left out of the rest of the community due to being part of the only dragonborn family in the village, his only friend was his younger brother, whose name has been lost. Growing up, Gold was always huge for his age, able to contend with most of the village in feats of strength, while his brother was sickly, ostracized and unable to defend himself. Gold constantly got himself into fights to defend his brother, and as such was not able to make any friends of his own.

Gold was sent away by his parents to do some work on a passing merchant ship in order to learn how to control his temper. While he was out on the sea, Gold found he loved the feeling of freedom from everything that sailing gave him, and despite being a newcomer to the vessel, Gold quickly discovered he was a fast learner when it came to rigging, navigation, and leading the other sailors. Only 18 at the time, he took naturally to commanding the other men on the ship. At first they did it just to humor him, but strangely found out that his commands were almost always the correct ones to take.

After about a month at sea, Gold came back to a nightmare. His parents were nowhere to be found, and of his brother, all he found was a grave marked with his name. Asking the rest of the town frantically offered no solace to him, nobody would divulge what had happened. He returned to the ship and explained to the other sailors what had happened, and they vowed to help him discover the truth. The ship was moored in the town for a total of two days. When it left, the village was burned to cinders, and the sailors who were part of the merchant ship had mutinied, killing the owner of the ship for whatever his part in the nasty business was. Pledged to follow Gold on his search for his parents, the sailors became Gold's first crew mates, and now help him with his deeds as a pirate lord, while also searching for information on Gold's parents.

Little more is known about Gold. He is ruthless in battle, shrewd in negotiations, and stalwart as an ally.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Draconic


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