The Heavenly Wanderer Geographic Location in Malify | World Anvil
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The Heavenly Wanderer

Somewhere out in space, beyond the vision of the people of Malify, a large celestial object moves. Its orbit is very elongated, and only approaches the planet about every 400 years or so. Sometimes the period of time can be longer, but is never shorter. Whether it is seen depends upon Malify's position in its orbit relative to the Wanderer's arrival. If they do not coincide, no sighting is made. If it does appear in the heavens all sorts of events may transpire.   There will be earthquakes. The tides may become huge, or non-existent. Weather patterns change. Animals behave strangely. Among the humans there will be those who call themselves seers, or prophets. Perhaps they know things, or perhaps they just fleece the fearful and gullible.   Another major impact this wanderer can have is impacting the rotation of the moon about the planet, slowing the rotation of Malify, or altering its orbit around the sun. Since nothing is known about earlier close passages, only stories of myth and legend give hints about times of great calamity that may have been caused by the Wanderer.


Nothing is known about this celestial body from observation. It has never been close enough for the limited telescopes of the people to discern anything about it beyond its spherical shape and coral red coloring.


There is no actual history regarding this object. With there being 400 years or more between sightings, no one living has seen it and none of their ancestors within remembrance will know of it either. There may be records, somewhere, but no one alive knows where they might be.
See Summercamp 2020 for all my articles.
Alternative Name(s)
Celestial portent, Doombringer, Destroyer
Planetoid / Moon

Cover image: by Yuri B and Prawny from Pixabay Images combined by me.


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