Twilight Guardians Organization in Malgrave | World Anvil

Twilight Guardians

The Twilight Guardians are a group of five people that protect the nomadic homelands of the Duskmen of the Evertwilight. There is a prophecy of a sixth that will be given to them by Selûne when the time is right, but no one has recollection of such a prophecy in current day.   They serve as guides, warriors and are symbols of hope to the community.

Blessed, Not Cursed

As worshippers of Selûne, Goddess of the Moon and Good Aligned Lycanthropes, these six pillars of the community are each under the effects of one of the six types of lycanthropy. While the werebear, weretiger and wereraven are typically predisposed toward being good, the other three are usually drawn to evil. The Duskmen have mastered all of these curses long ago to be able to pick out the best suited candidates to be one of the Twilight Guardians.  


  • Polar Bear: The Shield of Evertwilight
  • Snow Leopard: The Bow of Evertwilight
  • Arctic Wolf: The Spear of Evertwilight
  • Lemming: The Guide of Evertwilight
  • Moon Skua: The Angel of Evertwilight


It is said that Selûne saw the plight of her people in the Evertwilight and gave them one of each of her Chosen. Their job was to protect and guide the Duskmen as they wandered the frozen wastes, keeping them from harm and sight of the other people of the world during a time that the world were all at war with immortals.   The Gift of Lycanthropy was passed down from each member of the guardians to someone suited to the role and willing to take on the responsibility that came with it. Usually, the tribes would appoint an Apostle of Selûne as these individuals seemed more adept in the harsh environment and capable of maintaining themselves rather than succumbing to the effects of the curse as others might. Over the generations, the Twilight Guardians felt a sharp decline each time one of its members was lost before they were able to pass along their gift. Currently, only the Snow Leopard remains, the other four lost to the dangers of the Ice Shelf. Of the six, there has only ever been one Moon Skua and the tribes have long forgotten there ever would be another.

Loss and Sacrifice

The nature of the Guardians is to put themselves at the front of danger for the sake of the tribes. The first to be lost was the Tundra Boar. As the one to be sent to clear out dangerous areas where lives have been lost, the Tundra Boar was the one put in the path of danger, directly, the most. The death of the last Tundra Boar was so long ago that even the tribe leaders and Twilight Guardians have forgotten there once was a boar at all in their ranks.
Much like the Tundra Boar, the Lemming was at the forefront of dangerous situations. As the one responsible and most adept at finding the best migration paths as well as new or hidden areas that might benefit the Duskmen. The most solitary of the Guardians, the Lemming was usually gone for long periods of time and so no one thought to question the disappearance of the last until they too had already faded from memory.
  Unlike the previous two, the Arctic Wolf is still a recent loss for the Duskmen. The last, Amaruq Saila, was losing his control over the werewolf form he took, losing large patches of time and memory, succumbing to anger, one day waking up in the blood of his bretheren. His final words were begging his fellow Twilight Guardians to end his life so he was no longer a danger to the tribe. Refusing to give his Gift to anyone else for fear they would suffer the same fate, the other two Guardians granted his request. There is a marked grave somewhere in the Evertwilight mourning his loss.
  The Polar Bear was the most recent to lose their life, unable to pass their gift as well. An extremely lean winter had remorhaz coming through normally safe paths in the Evertwilight. They were attacking the tribes, killing and injuring many. As the Guardian meant to be the Shield of Twilight, Tapeesa Oopik held them off long enough for the tribes to get to the safety of Kassimavik before fighting them alone. Not being immune to the fire and acid types of damage they could deal out, she made it to the very entrance of Kassimavik before succumbing to her injuries, thus ending the line of the Polar Bear in the Twilight Guardians.


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