Ice Mermaids Species in Malgrave | World Anvil

Ice Mermaids

Ice mermaids are a type of mermaid found in the ocean beneath the ice in the Evertwilight. Their proper name used by the Duskmen is glacies sirine.



These mermaids look much like their merfolk counterparts, however, they are all female. Their fishlike tails from the waist down are usually white or silvery, as is their hair and irises. Their skin is very pale, almost ghostly or porcelain. Believed to be aquatic fey type creatures, they have an unearthly beauty in their delicate features. Their ears resemble fish fins, which is one of the only reminders that they are aquatic if seen from the waist up. One thing that stands out is their long eyelashes that collect tiny beads of water that freeze in the arctic temperatures and glisten in the moonlight.


Ice Mermaids
Medium Humanoid (Merfolk)   Armor Class 12
Hit Points 16 (4d6+4)
Speed 10 ft. swim 40 ft.
  STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 16 (+3)
  Languages Aquan, Celestial
Amphibious Ice mermaids can breathe air and water.
Darkvision 120ft
Heat Vulnerablilty Fire damage done to an ice mermaid is doubled and they cannot survive more than a few hours in any temperature above 32 degrees and aren't comfortable in any climate above -10 degrees.
  Enchanting Song An ice mermaid can spend an action to sing. Any humanoid creature within 60ft that can hear must make a DC16 Charisma Saving throw or be Charmed the the ice mermaid. While charmed, a creature can only take the move action to move as fast as they can toward the source of the song and can take no other actions. As long as the ice mermaid continues this song, the effect stays active. A charmed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a successful save, a creature becomes immune to the Enchanting Song of any ice mermaid for 24 hours. A creature that was charmed does not have any recollection of what happened during that time except the melody.  


Early history and supposed creation

Ice mermaids are thought to be exclusively in Malgrave. It is assumed they were once normal merfolk that were trapped for a long period in the coldest depths of the Elemental Plane of Water before finally escaping to Malgrave. The exposure to extreme cold and magic forever altered their physiology, making the only place they could inhabit the Evertwilight as all other places are too warm for them.

Additional History

Not much is known about how long they have inhabited the northern oceans. Some have decided to live peacefully alongside them. They have become very friendly with the Duskmen over the ages, as both wish for nothing more than tranquility. The kindness of the Duskmen has led to the ice mermaids watching over them curiously, though mostly unseen. During storms or before imminent danger, they will often use their enchanting song to lure people to safety. The Duskmen have become so accustomed to this strange partnership that they no longer resist when they hear the singing of their friends beneath the ice, opting to trust they are being protected from an unseen peril.   There are those, however that hunt ice mermaids. Some are captured alive and sold off to personal collections of rare creatures or to those that force them to sing for entertainment. Most that are captured are killed immediately and drained of their blood. It contains very potent magic that has been used in several different potions as it is always cold, but never freezes. Similarly, their scales on their tails can often be sold as sliver pieces or they will be skinned to create armor. Despite this cruelty, it is not the worst they endure, as their tears freeze almost immediately to ice. From that moment, they will never melt again and have been known to serve as substitutes for diamonds. As this is a very valuable and sought after material, they are often forced to witness or suffer unspeakable acts in hopes their tears can be collected. This is a fruitless endeavor, however, as these tears cannot be forced from them and seems to be different from normal tears. Since those captured are never seen again, it is believed by the Duskmen that the only reason these beautiful and enigmatic protectors still trust other beings is because there have been none to spread word of the horrors that await them if they show themselves to the wrong people.   A tear that freezes is often referred to as an ice daimond. It is said, by the Duskmen, that to be willingly given a tear from an ice mermaid is one of the greatest gifts in all of Malgrave.


Very little is known about the ice mermaids as a society. They seem shy but trusting of other creatures, but no one knows where they make their homes. Many might think they can't speak, as they rarely do so, with their singing the only reminder that they can. Most of their communication with other creatures is making brief appearances from a distance or leaving gifts for those that have shown them kindness.


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