Malatoria Vexerrigen's Curse
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Vexerrigen's Curse

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

End of the Clash of Scions

The Dragonborn Warrior Vexerrigen makes a pact with an unholy power, turning the Southern Ymmari Isthmus into a cursed land of undead horrors. The legions of (the now undead) Vexerrigen prove too powerful and effectively seal off the Eastern and Western Ymmarion Peninsulas.

Dread Vexergen's undead legions push west and east overrunning the city of Drinn and making the mountains to the west impassable.   With sea and land routes between East & West Ymmaria now effectively shut off, the Clash of Scions comes to a close. From this point on the Southern Ymmari Isthmus becomes known as "The Blightlands" and is avoided by all.

Related timelines & articles
The Ages of Grand Ymmarion