Rogues Regent Resplendent Organization in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Rogues Regent Resplendent

The Rogues Regent Resplendent, or simply "Rogues Regent", are a traveling circus troupe that has played to the noble families and heads of state of the Three Kingdoms, as well as dignitaries and important people within the various free cities of East Ymmarion.  They currently reside in the Magic Lantern theater in the Parade Heights district of the city of Damarask.   They are currently led by an accomplished sorcerer and illusionist named Indre Mithune.  Filling out their ranks are:   Roffle & Bingo the 17th - Human Clown and Dog Companion Bikkar, Kaura, and Tamir - Half Elven Acrobats and Contortionists Zepilla the Mighty - A goliath female strongwoman Drugon - A dwarf Troubador and Juggler Tamara - a female tiefling aerialist and daredevil Ryanna - a female human stage manager Gerya - a dwarf beast master and tamer, she has a pet griffon named Fyodr. Shurd & Krad - human stagehands
Entertainment, Troupe


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