Karak-Ul Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Karak-Ul is the god of nature’s animals. This varies from the vicious predators to the small and helpless. He is the brother of Dathar-Kane, and also supports rangers and druids who protect his interests. He believes that whoever controls the world is the dominant predator and is the top of the food chain, so he cares little of the events of the world as long as the cycle continues forward. He is often depicted as a wild looking hairy man with a swarthy complexion and a wiry, unkempt, black head of hair and beard although he may take on the form of any animal that pleases him, most notably a great horned owl and a tiny black mouse. Like his brother, his chief colors are those found in nature; black, dirty brown, leafy green and bone white.   The biggest holy day of Karak-Ul’s followers is the first day of Winter, a feast known as Great Slumber.   Followers of Karak-Ul tend to keep to themselves and learn what they can from animals by direct observation. Beacause of this, there are many varied and individual holy texts in dedication to Karak-Ul. The most widespread basic text however, is The Way of the Beast.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

The Way of the Beast
Divine Classification


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